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calcined brucite

About calcined brucite

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calcined brucite

Product Name:

Magnesium oxide


magnesium oxide light; magnesiumoxideheavy; magnesiumoxidemeshwhitepowder; magnesiumoxidefusedcrystalswhitextl; magnesium oxide 96.0+ % for analysis; akro-mag; animag; anscorp; burnt magnesia; calcined brucite; calcined magnesite; calcinedbrucite; calcinedmagnesite; ci77711; corox; dynamag; dynatherm; elastomag 100; elastomag100; elastomag170; electromagnesia; electromagnesia (magnesium oxide); encapsulated mgo; flamarret; fused magnesium oxide; magnesium oxygen(-2) anion; Magnesia; Magnesium oxide anhydrous



EINECS: 215-171-9
Molecular Weight: 40.3044
Molecular Formula: MgO
Melting Point(℃): 2852℃
Water Solubility: 6.2 mg/L (20℃), reacts
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
calcined brucite

Magnesium oxide Suppliers

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Suprabhat Chemicals   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: 39, Lane No 1, Paharganj, Delhi - 110055, , Other products:


Sylgard 184 curing...

Polyurethane foam

Magnesium oxide

White mineral oil

Telephone: +91-(11)-23621535
Fax: +91-11-23618352
Web Site: +91-11-23618352svc47581

Solvadis Nederland b.v.   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: P.O. Box 68, NL-1520 AB Wormerveer, , Other products:

acetic acid; 2-(bi...


Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium oxide

Magnesium nitrate

Telephone: 31-756-474500
Fax: 31-756-218438
Web Site: 31-756-218438svc47688

Schussler Novachem GmbH   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: D-06108 Halle/Saale, Germany, Halle, Other products:

Potassium chloride

Sodium bromite

Sodium nitrate

Sodium chloride

Calcium nitrate

Telephone: +49-345-68-68-0
Fax: +49-345-68 68-200
Web Site: www.novachem.desvc47694

Sri Venkateswara Chemicals   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Plot No. 33-B, Sidco Industrial Estate, Mettur Dam Salem, Tamil Nadu - 636 402, India, , Other products:

Magnesium sulfate ...

Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium Oxide

Telephone: +(91)-(4298)-222868/ 222041
Fax: +(91)-(4298)-222321
Web Site: +(91)-(4298)-222321svc47829

Soham Chemicals   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Gopinath Marg mumbai Maharashtra, , Other products:

Magnesium Oxide

Telephone: 91 - 22 - 25846350
Fax: 91-22-25846350
Web Site: svc48086

Southeastern Minerals   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: Henderson, NC 27536 United States, , Other products:

Sulfuric acid,magn...

Ferrous sulfate mo...

Zinc sulphate

Zinc oxide

Sodium molybdate

Telephone: 229-246-3396
Fax: 229-246-7309
Web Site: 229-246-7309svc48131

Taycrest Chemicals Limited   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: Tyne and Wear, England, Tyne and Wear, Other products:

Magnesium oxide

Magnesium chloride

Magnesium carbonat...


Magnesium hydroxid...

Telephone: +44 (0)191 2374743
Fax: +44 (0)191 237 4768
Web Site: www.taycrest-chemicals.co.uksvc48740

Tamilnadu Magnesite Limited   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: 5/53, Omalur Main Road,Jagir Ammapalayam Post,Salem, Tamil Nadu,INDIA, , Other products:

Magnesium oxide

Telephone: 91-427-2341260
Fax: 91-427 - 2341268
Web Site: www.tn.gov.insvc48756

Tanschool   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: Grahamstown 6140, , Other products:

Sodium sulfide

Sodium metabisulfi...

Sodium hydrosulfid...

Sodium formate

Sodium bicarbonate

Telephone: + 27 46 6227310
Web Site: www.icis.com/Search/CompanyDetails/900226712/Tanschool+co+za.htmsvc48931

TiFoR B.V.   Enquiry for Magnesium oxide

Address: Kon. Wilhelminahaven NZ 21, Vlaardingen, KE 3134, Netherlands, , Other products:

Potassium nitrate

Zinc sulfate monoh...

Magnesium chloride...

Magnesium oxide

Aluminum oxide

Telephone: +31-10-4456141
Fax: +31-10-2342155
Web Site: www.tifor.nlsvc48966
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