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caustic potash

About caustic potash

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caustic potash

Product Name:

Potassium hydroxide


Potassium hydroxide solution; caustic potash; potassium lye; Potassiumhydroxideflake; Potassium hydroxide anhydrous; Potash; potassium hydrate; KOH



EINECS: 215-181-3
Molecular Weight: 57.113
Molecular Formula: KOH
Melting Point(℃): 360℃
Water Solubility: soluble
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R22;R35;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26;S36/37/39;S45; Details
caustic potash

Potassium hydroxide Suppliers

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Remy & Co. KG   Enquiry for Caustic Potash

Address: Hammer Steindamm 42 Other products:
Telephone: 49/40/36 90 01-0
Fax: 49/40/36 38 42
Web Site: www.remy-hamburg.desvc/serv00825918

Laborchemie Apolda GmbH   Enquiry for Caustic potash

Address: Utenbacher Str. 72-74 Other products:
Telephone: 49-03644-875-0
Fax: 49-03644-875242
Web Site: www.pharma-info.comsvc/serv00825934

Tetenal Photowerk GmbH & Co. KG   Enquiry for Caustic potash

Address: Schutzenwall 31-35, Postfach 20 29 (D-22810) Other products:
Telephone: 49-40-521450
Fax: 49-40-52145296
Web Site: www.tetenal.comsvc/serv00826079

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) ltd.   Enquiry for Potassium Hydroxide

Address: 1 Oil Mill Lane, Hammersmith, London W6 9UA Other products:
Telephone: 020 8741 4025
Fax: 020 8741 1737
Web Site: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uksvc/serv01026194

ICI Chlor Chemicals   Enquiry for Caustic potash

Address: PO Box 14, The Heath Runcorn Other products:
Telephone: 44-1928-511786
Fax: 44-1928-515253
Web Site: www.chlor-chemicals.comsvc/serv00826201

Marmara Kimya   Enquiry for Caustic Potash

Address: Bati Mah. Ankara Cad. Yargiclar 莍kmazi Yayla Apt. A blok No:1 Kat:2 D:4 Pendik/ISTANBUL Other products:
Telephone: 90-212-6641374
Fax: 90-212-5823664
Web Site: www.marmara-kimya.comsvc/serv01026248

Benson Chemicals Limited   Enquiry for Potassium Hydroxide

Address: 1012 11th Concession West Freelton (Hamilton), ON L0R 1K0, , Other products:
Telephone: 1-905-659-3351
Fax: 1-905-659-1689
Web Site: www.bensonchemicals.casvc/serv01026360

International Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Potassium Hydroxide

Address: P.O. Box 120066 West Melbourne, FL 32912-0066 Other products:
Telephone: 1-800-352-2436
Fax: 1-321-952-9883
Web Site: svc/serv01026397

J.P.Pharmachem Industries   Enquiry for POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE

Address: 10/D, 2nd Floor, Matru Ashish, Near Balbharti School, S V Road, Kandivili (W) Mumbai-400 067, Maharashtra, India Other products:
Telephone: +(91)-(22)-28643481
Fax: +(91)-(22)-28640377
Web Site: www.jppharma.comsvc/serv01026440

THOSCO GmbH & Co   Enquiry for Caustic Potash

Address: P.O. BOX 70 23 43 22023 Hamburg Other products:
Telephone: +49-40 6 58 00 80
Fax: +49 -40 65 80 08 29
Web Site: www.thosco.desvc26562
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