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Cobaltous sulfate

About Cobaltous sulfate

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Cobaltous sulfate

Product Name:

Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate


bieberite; cobalt(II) sulfate (1:1) heptahydrate; Cobaltous sulfate, heptahydrate; Cobalt(II)Sulfate Heptahydrate; Cobalt monosulfate, heptahydrate; Cobalt sulfate, 7-hydrate; Sulfuric acid, cobalt salt, heptahydrate; sulfuric acid, cobalt(2+) salt (1:1), heptahydrate; Cobalt(II) Sulfate Heptahydrate; Cobaltous sulfate; Cobalt sulphate; cobalt(2+) sulfate; cobalt(2+) sulfate hydrate (1:1:7); cobalt(2+) sulfate hydrate (1:1:1); Cobalt(Ⅱ)sulfate hexahydrate



EINECS: 233-334-2
Molecular Weight: 281.09776
Molecular Formula: CoSO4.7(H2O)
Melting Point(℃): 98℃
Water Solubility: 362 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R22;R42/43;R49;R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S22;S45;S53;S60;S61; Details
Cobaltous sulfate

Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate Suppliers

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Phil-Asiachem, Inc.   Enquiry for Cobalt Sulphate

Address: 3F Cedar Executive Building 1006 Arnaiz Avenue, Makati City Other products:
Telephone: (632) 887.7122
Fax: (632) 887.6710
Web Site: www.phil-asiachem.comsvc/serv01026626

Brenntag Latin America   Enquiry for COBALT SULPHATE

Address: 5300 Memorial Drive, 11th Floor Houston, TX 77007 Other products:
Telephone: 713-880-5400
Fax: 713-880-2286
Web Site: www.brenntagla.comsvc/serv00927004

MAHAVIR EXPOCHEM LIMITED.   Enquiry for cobalt sulphate

Address: "Mahavir Estate" B/h. Shah Chembers, Nr. C.T.M. Cross Lane,Amraiwadi, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) INDIA. Other products:
Zip: 380 026.
Telephone: +91 -79 -25856971 - 75
Web Site: www.mahavirexpochem.comsvc/serv01027271

paragon metachem   Enquiry for Cobalt Sulphate

Address: Kabibai Trust Building,Ground Floor, 14/16, Bhandari Street Cross Lane, Vadgadi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 003 (INDIA) Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-23426844/56312542
Fax: 91-22-23420037
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/paragon-meta-chemicalssvc/serv00827645

Tropag Oscar H. Ritter Nachf. GmbH   Enquiry for Cobalt Sulphate

Address: Bundesstrasse 420146 Hamburg Other products:
Telephone: ++49 (0)40-414013-0
Fax: ++49 (0)40-414013-20
Web Site: www.tropag.comsvc/serv00927738

D. D. ENTERPRISES   Enquiry for Cobalt Sulphate

Address: 13, Shamsunder Society, Dattawadi, Near Mahtre Bridge, Pune - 411030 Other products:
Telephone: 020-24337042, 22922004
Web Site: www.agrofertilizers.comsvc/serv00828006

CJEX International   Enquiry for COBALT SULPHATE

Address: 415, Daulat Bhavan,407, Kalbadevi Road,Mumbai - 400 002, India. Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-2203 30 22
Fax: 91-22-2206 44 39
Web Site: www.cjexchem.comsvc/serv00828353

Elite International Trading Co.,Ltd.   Enquiry for COBALT SULPHATE

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 856 489 3036
Fax: 856 489 3035
Web Site: svc/serv01128414

H. K. GROUP   Enquiry for Cobalt Sulphate

Address: Shop No 4, Indraprastha I-A, Opp. Ashoka Hospital, Jitendra Road, alad (East), Mumbai - 400 097, Maharashtra, INDIA Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-2877 4445 / 5829 - 56903128
Fax: 91-22-28773079
Web Site: www.hkoverseas.netsvc/serv00828546

The Ural Plant of Chemical Reagents   Enquiry for Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate

Address: 131, Lenin street, V.Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region, RUSSIA, 624096 Other products:
Telephone: 7-34368-4-56-15
Fax: 7-34368-5-88-23
Web Site: www.upcr.rusvc/serv00829064
Total 63 Suppliers,Showing41--50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7