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Cupric sulfate

About Cupric sulfate

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Cupric sulfate

Product Name:

Copper(II) sulfate


Copper (II) sulfate anhydrous; cupric sulfate anhydrous; Coppersulfateanhydrousgreenpowder; Copper sulphate; copper(2+) sulfate hydrate (1:1:5); Copper sulfate; COPPERSULFATE; Sulfuric acid, copper salt; copper(2+) sulfate; Copper(II)sulfate; Cupric sulfate



EINECS: 231-847-6;215-568-7
Molecular Weight: 159.6097
Molecular Formula: CuSO4
Melting Point(℃): 560℃ (dec.)
Boiling Point(℃): 330°C at 760 mmHg
Water Solubility: 203 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R22;R36/38;R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S22;S60;S61; Details
Cupric sulfate

Copper(II) sulfate Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

EURO - Sarm   Enquiry for copper sulfate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 596 831 098
Fax: 596 831 102
Web Site: www.eurosarm.czsvc/serv00925371

Epenhuysen Chemicals   Enquiry for Copper Sulphate

Address: Noordweg 33336 LH Zwijndrecht The Netherlands Other products:
Telephone: +31-78-6250000
Fax: +31-78-6250050
Web Site: svc/serv00925380

CHEM 2004 C.V.   Enquiry for copper sulphate

Address: A. van Scheltemaplein 402624 PG Delft Other products:
Telephone: (31)15 25 75 900
Fax: (31)15 25 72 505
Web Site: www.chem2000.nlsvc/serv00925409

Manica S.p.A.   Enquiry for Copper sulfate

Address: Via All'Adige, 4, Rovereto (TN Other products:
Telephone: 39-0464-433705
Fax: 39-0464-458235
Web Site: www.manica.comsvc/serv00825442

Algol Finland   Enquiry for Copper Sulphate

Address: Karapellontie 6, 02610 Espoo, , Other products:
Telephone: +358 9 509 91
Fax: +358 9 595 006
Web Site: www.algol.fisvc/serv00925623

Huttenwerke Kayser AG.   Enquiry for Copper sulfate

Address: Kupferstra遝 23 Other products:
Telephone: 49-2306-1080
Fax: 49-2306-108449
Web Site: www.hk-ag.comsvc/serv00825881

IMPAG GmbH   Enquiry for Copper Sulphate

Address: Fritz-Remy-Stra遝 25, D-63071 Offenbach Other products:
Telephone: 49-069-850008-0
Fax: 49-069-850008-90
Web Site: www.impag.desvc/serv00825884

Maaschem Sales   Enquiry for Copper Sulphate

Address: New # 64, Patel Road, Perambur, Chennai-11. India., India Other products:
Telephone: 0091-44-25523041
Fax: 0091-44-25513314
Web Site: www.maaschem.com/svc/serv01025932

Shinde Chemicals   Enquiry for Copper Sulfate

Address: A/16,17, Nand Jyot Industrial Estate, Saphed Pool, Kurla Andheri Road Other products:
Zip: 400069
Telephone: 91-22-56924550
Fax: 91-22-56924551
Web Site: www.shindechemicalsindia.com/svc/serv01025970

Zinchem Pty. Ltd.   Enquiry for Cupric sulfate

Address: P. O. Box 6645, Dunswart Other products:
Telephone: 27-11-746 5000
Fax: 27-11-746 5050
Web Site: www.zinchem.co.zasvc/serv00826028
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