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About DMF

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Product Name:



DMF; Formdimethylamide; Dimethyl Formamide ; Formyldimethylamine; N,N-dimethyl-Formamide; Dimethylformamide;



EINECS: 200-679-5
Molecular Weight: 73.09
Molecular Formula: C3H7NO
Density: 0.945
Melting Point(℃): -61℃
Boiling Point(℃): 153℃
Flash Point(℃): 58℃
refractive_index: 1.429-1.432
Water Solubility: soluble
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R20/21;R36;R61;     Details
Safety Description:
 S45;S53; Details

N,N-Dimethylformamide Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

The Farley Company   Enquiry for Dimethyl Formamide

Address: 4411 Crystal Parkway, Kent, Ohio 44240 Other products:
Zip: 44240
Telephone: 330-673-8800
Fax: 330-673-8070
Web Site: www.farleycompany.comsvc/serv0085300

Ueno Corporation   Enquiry for DMF

Address: 7-4-17 Nishnakajima, Shin-Osaka Ueno Toyo Bldg.Yodogawa-Ku, Osaka-City, Osaka, Japan 5320011- Other products:
Telephone: 81-6-6301-1555
Fax: 81-6-6301-1557
Web Site: dns.uenocorp.co.jpsvc/serv0075364

Hanwha Corporation   Enquiry for Dimethyl Formamide

Address: Hanwha B/D 22nd Fl, #1 Changgyo-dong, Chung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 100-797 Other products:
Telephone: 82-2-729-3529
Fax: 82-2-729-3766
Web Site: svc/serv0166214

VWR International Ltd .   Enquiry for Dimethyl formamide

Address: Merck House,Poole,Dorset,BH15 1TD,England Other products:
Zip: BH15 1TD
Telephone: +44 1202 660444
Fax: +44 1202 666856
Web Site: svc/serv0387028

BASF Espanola S.A   Enquiry for Dimethylformamide

Address: Crta. N-340, km. 1.156 43006 Tarragona Other products:
Telephone: +34 977 25 62 00
Web Site: www.basf.essvc/serv0567096

Ak-Kim Kimya Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S.   Enquiry for DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE

Address: Sulleyman Seba Cad, Acisu Sok. Taslik Apt, No:19/A Macka- Istanbul Other products:
Zip: 80680
Telephone: + 90 212 258 31 22
Fax: +90 212 259 12 92
Web Site: www.akkim.com.trsvc/serv0417471

Alfa Aesar   Enquiry for N,N-Dimethylformamide

Address: Ward Hill, MA 01835 USA, , Other products:
Telephone: 1-800-343-7276
Fax: 1-978-521-6366
Web Site: www.alfa.comsvc/serv0607551

Panreac   Enquiry for N,N-Dimethylformamide

Address: Riera de Sant Cugat, 1 E-08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) Other products:
Telephone: (+34) 935 642 408
Fax: (+34) 935 647 000
Web Site: www.panreac.essvc/serv0567711

Panreac Quimica   Enquiry for N,N-Dimethylformamide

Address: Riera de Sant Cugat, 1 E-08110 Montcada i Reixac Barcelona, Spain Other products:
Telephone: (+34) 935 642 408
Fax: (+34) 937 647 000
Web Site: www.panreac.comsvc/serv0567954

DuPont Canada Inc.   Enquiry for Dimethylformamide

Address: P.O. Box 2200, Streetsville,Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Other products:
Zip: L5M 2H3
Telephone: 1(905) 821-5623
Fax: 1 (905) 821-5653
Web Site: svc/serv0388275
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