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Diisopropyl ether

About Diisopropyl ether

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Diisopropyl ether

Product Name:

Diisopropyl ether


2,2'-Oxybispropane; 2-Isopropoxypropane; Diisopropyl oxide; DIPE; Isopropyl Ether; Isopropyl ether,stabilized with 100-200 ppm BHT; 2-(propan-2-yloxy)propane



EINECS: 203-560-6
Molecular Weight: 102.1748
Molecular Formula: C6H14O
Density: 0.758g/cm3
Melting Point(℃): -85.5℃
Boiling Point(℃): 68.3°C at 760 mmHg
refractive_index: 1.384
Water Solubility: 9 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R11;R19;R66;R67;     Details
Safety Description:
 S16;S29;S33;S9; Details
Diisopropyl ether

Diisopropyl ether Suppliers

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Alliance Chemical   Enquiry for Isopropyl Ether

Address: P.O. Box 2279 Round Rock, Texas Other products:
Telephone: (512) 365-6838
Fax: (512) 365-6833
Web Site: www.alliancechemical.comsvc/serv01722167

Brenntag Holding GmbH & Co. KG   Enquiry for Isopropyl ether

Address: Stinnes-Platz 145472 M黮heim an der Ruhr Germany Other products:
Telephone: +49 (208) 7828-0
Fax: +49 (208) 7828-698
Web Site: www.brenntag.comsvc/serv02124650

Quadrimex Chimie   Enquiry for Isopropylether

Address: 2, chemin de l'Ile Conge 94 500 Champigny sur Marne - FRANCE Other products:
Telephone: 33 (0)1 45 16 12 00
Fax: 33(0)1 45 16 31 26
Web Site: svc/serv00925281

Sasol Germany GmbH   Enquiry for Isopropyl ether

Address: Fritz-Staiger-Stra遝 15 Other products:
Telephone: 040-6375-0
Fax: 040-6375-3496
Web Site: www.sasol.comsvc/serv00826027

Leonid Chemicals Private Limited   Enquiry for Di-iso Propyl Ether

Address: 10th Main, 2nd Stage, Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore Other products:
Zip: 560058
Telephone: + 91 80 23378354 /23377126
Fax: +91 80 51170385
Web Site: leonidchemicals.comsvc/serv01026927

SHINHWA MATERIAL IND CO., LTD.   Enquiry for Diisopropyl ether

Address: Buwon-dong Gimhae-si Gyeongsangnam-do Korea Other products:
Zip: 621010
Telephone: 82 - 55 - 335-8787
Fax: 82 - 55 - 335-8785
Web Site: www.shinhwamaterial.co.krsvc/serv01027408

Kemco International Associates Inc.   Enquiry for Isopropyl Ether

Address: 1110 Pinellas Bayway#105 St. Petersburg , FL 33715 USA Other products:
Telephone: +1 727-867-8781
Fax: +1 727-867-5783
Web Site: www.kemcointernational.comsvc/serv00927664

Chem-Supply Pty Ltd   Enquiry for Diisopropyl ether

Address: 38 – 50 Bedford Street GILLMAN South Australia 5013, , Other products:
Telephone: +61 8 8440 2000
Fax: +61 8 8440 2001
Web Site: www.chemsupply.com.ausvc/serv00929227

Ajax Finechem   Enquiry for Di-iso propyl ether

Address: PO Box 232 Seven Hills NSW 1730 Other products:
Telephone: +61 (02) 9839 4000
Fax: +61 (02) 9674 9058
Web Site: www.ajaxfinechem.co.nzsvc/serv00929269

A/S Den norske Eterfabrikk   Enquiry for Di-isopropyl Ether

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 47-22 78 26 00
Fax: 47-22 78 26 10
Web Site: svc/serv01129693
Total 42 Suppliers,Showing21--30 1 2 3 4 5