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Product Name:

Magnesium oxide


magnesium oxide light; magnesiumoxideheavy; magnesiumoxidemeshwhitepowder; magnesiumoxidefusedcrystalswhitextl; magnesium oxide 96.0+ % for analysis; akro-mag; animag; anscorp; burnt magnesia; calcined brucite; calcined magnesite; calcinedbrucite; calcinedmagnesite; ci77711; corox; dynamag; dynatherm; elastomag 100; elastomag100; elastomag170; electromagnesia; electromagnesia (magnesium oxide); encapsulated mgo; flamarret; fused magnesium oxide; magnesium oxygen(-2) anion; Magnesia; Magnesium oxide anhydrous



EINECS: 215-171-9
Molecular Weight: 40.3044
Molecular Formula: MgO
Melting Point(℃): 2852℃
Water Solubility: 6.2 mg/L (20℃), reacts
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details

Magnesium oxide Suppliers

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Thunder Sword Resources Inc.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: #1006 - 736 Granville Street,Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1G1, Other products:
Zip: V6Z 1G1
Telephone: (604) 682 4429
Fax: (604) 682 4624
Web Site: www.thundersword.comsvc9719

Celtic Chemicals   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide Light

Address: Celtic Chemicals Ltd.,Gas Works Industrial Estate,Victoria Road, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan Other products:
Zip: SA12 6DB
Telephone: +44 (0)1639 886236
Fax: +44 (0)1639 889047
Web Site: www.celticchemicals.co.uksvc/serv0419899

Quantum Chemicals   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: 70 Quantum Close Quantum Industrial Park Dandenong South - Melbourne Australia - 3175 Other products:
Telephone: 61-3-8795 8070
Fax: 61-3-8795 8099
Web Site: www.quantumchemicals.com.ausvc/serv05610349

R.E. Carroll, Inc   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: 570 North Olden Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08638 Other products:
Telephone: (609) 695-6211
Fax: (609) 695-0102
Web Site: www.recarroll.comsvc/serv05610443

Onelar S.A.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Manuel Otero 6342 Montevideo Other products:
Telephone: ++598 2 601 9566
Fax: ++598 2 601 3774
Web Site: svc/serv01710450

Prince Agri Products, Inc.   Enquiry for MAGNESIUM OXIDE

Address: Box 1009 Quincy, IL 62306 Other products:
Telephone: (217)222-8854
Fax: (217)222-5098
Web Site: www.princeagri.comsvc/serv01710552

OptiPure/Chemco   Enquiry for MAGNESIUM OXIDE

Address: 6984 Bandini Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90040 Other products:
Telephone: (323)721-8300
Fax: (323)721-9600
Web Site: www.optipure.comsvc/serv01710567

Foosung Corp.   Enquiry for Magnesia

Address: 113-8 Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea Other products:
Telephone: 02)554-4108
Fax: 02)555-8196
Web Site: www.fsc.co.krsvc/serv01710581

BPI Minerals Corporation   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: 612 South Trenton Avenue Pittsburgh,PA15221.USA Other products:
Zip: PA15221
Telephone: 412/371-8554
Fax: 412/371-9984
Web Site: www.bpiminerals.comsvc/serv03810601

Whittaker, Clark and Daniels, Inc.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: 1000 Coolidge St. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Other products:
Telephone: 908 561-6100/800 732-0562
Fax: 800 253-5041
Web Site: www.wcdinc.comsvc/serv02110704
Total 297 Suppliers,Showing91--100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>