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Expandable Polystyrene

About Expandable Polystyrene

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Expandable Polystyrene

Product Name:



Polystyrene; polystyrene standard 4000000; polystyrene standard 2000000; polystyrene standard 300000; polystyrene standard 1000000; polystyrene standard 700000; polystyrene standard 650000; polystyrene standard 2200000 certi-fied acc. to din; polystyrene standard 500000; polystyrene standard 8000000; Polystyrene (General Purpose Grade); Polystyrene, dicarboxy terminated; Polystyrene, methacrylate terminated solution; Styrene Resin (High M.Wt.); Styrene Latex; Styrene Resin (Low M.Wt.); Styrene Resin (Med.M.Wt.); Styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer (20% cross-linked); Polystyrene2% crosslinked with vinylbenzene; EPS; Expandable Polystyrene



Molecular Weight: 104.1491
Molecular Formula: C8H8
Density: 1.047
Boiling Point(℃): 212℃
refractive_index: 1.5916
Water Solubility: insoluble
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 41;     Details
Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
Expandable Polystyrene

Poly(styrene) Suppliers

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ASAHI KASEI CHEMICALS CORP   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 81-3-3507-2060
Fax: 81-3-3507-2495
Web Site: www.asahi-kasei.co.jpsvc/serv00324434

Brenntag Holding GmbH & Co. KG   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: Stinnes-Platz 145472 M黮heim an der Ruhr Germany Other products:
Telephone: +49 (208) 7828-0
Fax: +49 (208) 7828-698
Web Site: www.brenntag.comsvc/serv02124650

BP Amoco Lima Chemicals   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +1 877 701 2726
Fax: +1 630 961 7920
Web Site: svc/serv00925003

Pacrim, Inc.   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: P.O. Box 1839, Apex, NC 27502 Other products:
Telephone: 919-363-7711
Fax: 919-363-7714
Web Site: www.pacrim-inc.comsvc/serv00725076

Degussa Norden AB   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: P.O. Box 50559, Malmo Other products:
Telephone: 46-40-288280
Fax: 46-40-187277
Web Site: www.degussa.comsvc/serv00825134

Thermisol Dennark A/S   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: Lundageevej 20, Hedensted Other products:
Telephone: 45-75891611
Fax: 45-75899021
Web Site: www.thermisol.dksvc/serv00825330

Girsa S.A. de C.V   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: Paseo de los Tamarindos 400B, Piso 31, Bosques de las Lomas, Mexico, D.F Other products:
Telephone: 52-5-261-8300
Fax: 52-5-261-8361
Web Site: www.girsa.com.mxsvc/serv00825612

Fernz Chemicals Ltd.   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: 20 William Pickering Dr Albany, PO Box 100 367, NSMC Other products:
Telephone: 64-9-4157001
Fax: 64-9-4150534
Web Site: www.fernz.comsvc/serv00825628

Huntsman Polymers   Enquiry for Polystyrene

Address: 3rd Floor 19 Great South Road, Newmarket Other products:
Telephone: 64-0-95200135
Fax: 64-0-95201021
Web Site: www.huntsman.comsvc/serv00825633

International Petrochemicals (Pvt) Ltd.   Enquiry for POLYSTYRENE

Address: 77-D, New Muslim Town, Main Wahdat Road, Lahore Lahore Punjab 54000 Pakistan Other products:
Telephone: 92 - 42 - 5888531
Fax: 92 - 42 - 5887998
Web Site: www.ipchem.comsvc/serv01025769
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