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Evening Primrose Oil

About Evening Primrose Oil

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Evening Primrose Oil

Product Name:

Evening primrose, Oenothera biennis, ext.


Evening primrose extract; Oenothera biennis; Extract of evening primrose; Oenothera biennis extract; CCRIS 8514; Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Oil; Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis) Oil [seed]; Oil, evening primrose; UNII-76UI55V071; Evening Primrose Oil; EPO (Evening primrose oil);



EINECS: 289-859-2
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Evening primrose, Oenothera biennis, ext. Suppliers

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Pokonobe Industries Inc.   Enquiry for EVENING PRIMROSE OIL

Address: PO Box 1756 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Other products:
Telephone: (310)392-1259
Fax: (310)392-3659
Web Site: www.pokonobe.comsvc/serv01710554

Expocell AB   Enquiry for Evening primrose oil

Address: Gustavsgatan 23 216 11 Limhamn, Sweden Other products:
Telephone: +46 40 21 10 20
Fax: +46 40 21 10 40
Web Site: www.expocell.sesvc/serv00419413

Cure Herbs   Enquiry for Evening primrose oil

Address: WZ-435-A, Nangal Raya,New Delhi, Delhi, India Other products:
Zip: 110 046
Telephone: +(91)-(11)-25106849
Fax: +(91)-9811683261
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/cureherbssvc/serv00520486

BP Pharmacy   Enquiry for EVENING PRIMROSE OIL

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 3-5623122
Fax: 3-56352855
Web Site: www.bppharmacy.comsvc/serv00421068

Shambhavi Enterprises   Enquiry for EVENING PRIMROSE OIL

Address: 14,Siddheshwar CHS Ltd., Chotta Mhasoba Maidan,Kalyan West, Dist : Thane INDIA Pin - 421 301 Other products:
Telephone: 91 251 2212444 / 2212456
Fax: 91 251 2212456
Web Site: www.shambhavi.comsvc/serv00421647

Indian Natural Products division(Auro Avenida Exports Pvt. Ltd. )   Enquiry for EVENING PRIMROSE OIL

Address: 8-2-684/II/8, Plot No. 11, Kanakadurga Temple Street, Bhavani Nagar, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, HYDERABAD - INDIA Other products:
Zip: 500 034
Telephone: +91-40-23372771, 23372772, 23372773
Fax: +91-40-23372503, 23372775
Web Site: www.indiannaturalproducts.comsvc/serv00522609

IHC-I.H.Chempharm GmbH   Enquiry for Evening Primrose Oil

Address: Ernst-Bloch-Str. 16 51377 Leverkusen Germany Other products:
Telephone: 0049-2171-3994-0
Fax: 0049-2171-3994-29
Web Site: www.ihc-chempharm.desvc/serv00423413

IHC Chempharm   Enquiry for Evening Primrose Oil

Address: Other products:
Web Site: www.ihc-chempharm.desvc/serv02123750

Bioriginal Food & Science Corp.   Enquiry for Evening Primrose Oil

Address: 102 Melville Street,Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,Canada S7J 0R1 Other products:
Telephone: 306-975-1166
Fax: 306-242-3829
Web Site: www.bioriginal.comsvc/serv00724939

Sammi Chem Co., Ltd.   Enquiry for Oenothera biennis

Address: 713, Suseo-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul 135-884 Korea Other products:
Telephone: 82 - 2 - 34122123
Fax: 82 - 2 - 34122125
Web Site: www.sammichem.comsvc/serv01025757
Total 37 Suppliers,Showing21--30 1 2 3 4