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Ferric chloride

About Ferric chloride

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Ferric chloride

Product Name:

Iron(III) chloride


ferric chloride anhydrous; Iron (III) chloride anhydrous; Ironchlorideanhydrous; iron trichloride; Ferric trichloride; Ferric chloride; Ferric chloride, anhydrous; Iron chloride



EINECS: 231-729-4
Molecular Weight: 162.21
Molecular Formula: FeCl3
Melting Point(℃): 304℃
Boiling Point(℃): 100°C at 760 mmHg
Water Solubility: 920 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R22;R38;R41;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26;S39; Details
Ferric chloride

Iron(III) chloride Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

Chemicals & Associates   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: 27 Ashoka Chambers,5-B Rajendra Park,New Delhi – 110 060 Other products:
Zip: 110 060
Telephone: +91-11-25735151, 25727778, 25772464
Fax: +91-11-25755507
Web Site: www.kemikals.comsvc/serv02720429

UNICORN (Taiwan) Chemical Co., Ltd.   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: 2F,-7,No.225,Sec.3,Bade Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. Other products:
Telephone: 886-2-25703389
Fax: 886-2-25703380
Web Site: www.unicorn-chemical.comsvc/serv02121234

Triple-S Chemicals   Enquiry for Ferric chloride

Address: 3464 Union Pacific Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Other products:
Zip: 90023
Telephone: (800) 862-5958
Fax: (323) 261-5567
Web Site: www.ssschemical.comsvc/serv02121338

Indian Muds and Chemicals   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: 71, Mittal Tower, 'B' Wing, 7th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Other products:
Zip: 400 021
Telephone: +(91)-(22)-22830679/22023384/22023385
Fax: +(91)-(22)-22044659
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/indian-muds-chemicalssvc/serv00521603

Gulbrandsen EC Ltd   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 908-735-5458
Fax: 803-531-2413
Web Site: www.gulbrandsen.comsvc/serv00221938

Alliance Chemical   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: P.O. Box 2279 Round Rock, Texas Other products:
Telephone: (512) 365-6838
Fax: (512) 365-6833
Web Site: www.alliancechemical.comsvc/serv01722167

Brownandforth   Enquiry for FERRIC CHLORIDE

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +44-(0)-1282-839111
Fax: + 44-(0)-1282-420182
Web Site: svc/serv00222466

Interstate Chemical Company   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: 6133 Edith Boulevard, NE Albuquerque Other products:
Telephone: (800) 422-4485
Web Site: www.interstatechemical.comsvc/serv02122597

Meridian World Sdn. Bhd.   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: No.5, Jalan Angsana 1/4, Perusahaan Ringan Angsana, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. Other products:
Telephone: 604-4210635
Fax: 604-4210958
Web Site: www.meridianworld.com.mysvc/serv00522651

Brenntag Canada   Enquiry for Ferric Chloride

Address: 60 Titan Road, Toronto, M8Z 2J8, Ontario Other products:
Telephone: (416) 259 8231
Fax: (416)233 7706
Web Site: www.brenntag.casvc/serv00522662
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