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Ferrous gluconate

About Ferrous gluconate

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Ferrous gluconate

Product Name:

ferrous gluconate hydrate


iron digluconate; Ferrous gluconate; Iron(II) gluconate hydrate; ; L-mannonic acid - iron (2:1); Ferrousgluconate



EINECS: 206-076-3
Molecular Weight: 269.0071
Molecular Formula: C6H13FeO8
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Ferrous gluconate

ferrous gluconate hydrate Suppliers

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McSIVAG INDIA GROUP   Enquiry for Ferrous Gluconate

Address: Floor No :3, Office No: 2,GK Tower, Dwaraka Nagar,Visakhapatanam - 530 016.Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Other products:
Telephone: +91-891-2753670, 2753671, 2753672
Fax: +91-891-2722692
Web Site: www.mcsivag.comsvc/serv0024410

Patel Chemopharma PVT .LTD   Enquiry for FERROUS GLUCONATE

Address: 101 ALAKNANDA, Anna Saheb Vartak Marg, TPS III,Borivali. MUMBAI 400 092. INDIA Other products:
Telephone: +91-22-8994142
Fax: +91-22-28986067 or 91-22-28990583
Web Site: www.kpateldyes.comsvc6239

Salvi Chemical Industries   Enquiry for Ferrous Gluconate

Address: B-108, Ashoka Towers,Kulupwadi Road,Borivli (East),Mumbai 400066 INDIA Other products:
Telephone: +91 22 2861 9276,+91 22 2861 9276
Fax: +91 22 2805 9274
Web Site: www.salvichem.comsvc/serv0026484

Jost Chemical Co., Inc.   Enquiry for FERROUS GLUCONATE

Address: Jost Chemical 8130 Lackland Rd. St. Louis, MO 63114, St. Louis, MO 63114 Other products:
Telephone: (314)428-4300
Fax: (314)428-4366
Web Site: www.jostchemical.comsvc/serv0027119

Ashland Distribution Company, Ingredients   Enquiry for FERROUS GLUCONATE

Address: Columbus, OH 43216-2219 Other products:
Zip: PO Box 2219
Telephone: (877)FID-EAST
Fax: (614)790-4427
Web Site: www.fidonline.comsvc/serv0277214

Generichem Corp.   Enquiry for FERROUS GLUCONATE

Address: 755 Union Blvd., PO Box 457 Totowa, NJ 07511-0457 Other products:
Telephone: (973)256-9266
Fax: (973)256-0069
Web Site: www.generichem.comsvc/serv0177379

PURAC America, Inc   Enquiry for FERROUS GLUCONATE

Address: 111 Barclay Blvd., Suite 100 Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Other products:
Telephone: +1(847)634-6330
Fax: +1(847)634-1992
Web Site: www.purac.com/svc/serv0127692

GLUCONA B.V.   Enquiry for Ferrous gluconate

Address: Van Beresteynstraat 14 9641 AB Veendam P.O. Box 15 9640 AA Veendam The Netherlands Other products:
Telephone: +31-598-665370
Fax: +31-598-665385
Web Site: www.glucona-america.comsvc/serv0249653

IVAX Corporation   Enquiry for Ferrous gluconate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 1-305-575-6000
Web Site: svc/serv06012209

Paddock Laboratories, Inc.   Enquiry for FERROUS GLUCONATE

Address: 3940 Quebec Avenue North,Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Other products:
Telephone: 763-546-4676
Fax: 763-546-4842
Web Site: www.paddocklabs.comsvc/serv02417370
Total 73 Suppliers,Showing31--40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8