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About Glutathione

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Product Name:



gamma-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine; GSH; Glutathione, Reduced, Free Acid; Glutathione reduced; L-Glutathione; Glutathione, reduced; Antisense compounds; Glutathion; 5-l-glutamyl-l-cysteinylglycine; ReducedGlutathione; gamma-glutamylcysteinylglycine; L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine; L-gamma-glutamyl-3-sulfido-L-alanylglycine; {[N-(2-ammonio-4-carboxybutanoyl)cysteinyl]amino}acetate; L-Glutathione (Reduced Form); L-Glutathione Reduced



EINECS: 200-725-4
Molecular Weight: 307.3235
Molecular Formula: C10H17N3O6S
Density: 1.441g/cm3
Melting Point(℃): 182-192℃
Boiling Point(℃): 756.427°C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point(℃): 411.272°C
refractive_index: 1.571
Water Solubility: soluble
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details

Glutathione Suppliers

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Reliable Biopharmaceutical Corporation   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 1945 Walton Road, St. Louis, MO 63114 Other products:
Telephone: 314-429-7700
Fax: 314-429-0937
Web Site: www.reliablebiopharm.comsvc/serv0106042

Ashland Distribution Company, Ingredients   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: Columbus, OH 43216-2219 Other products:
Zip: PO Box 2219
Telephone: (877)FID-EAST
Fax: (614)790-4427
Web Site: www.fidonline.comsvc/serv0277214

Kowa American Corp.   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 55 East 59th St., 19th Flr. New York, NY 10022 Other products:
Telephone: (212)303-7800
Fax: (212)310-0101
Web Site: chemical.kowa.comsvc/serv0027244

AIDP, Inc.   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 1120 Coiner Court,City of Industry, CA 91748 Other products:
Zip: 91748
Telephone: 626-964-6910
Fax: 626-964-6739
Web Site: www.aidp.comsvc/serv0057754

Penta Manufacturing Co. / Div. of Penta International Corp.   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: PO Box 1448 Fairfield, NJ 07007-1448 Other products:
Telephone: (973)740-2300
Fax: (973)740-1839
Web Site: www.pentamfg.com/svc/serv0217919

Compound Solutions, Inc.   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 2215 Vineyard Avenue Other products:
Zip: Escondido, CA 92029
Telephone: (760)739-9881
Fax: (760)739-9886
Web Site: www.compoundsolutions.comsvc/serv0289888

Fenchem Enterprises Ltd.   Enquiry for Glutathione

Address: baixia Rd.No 9,Nanjing,China Other products:
Telephone: +86-25-4502-928
Fax: +86-25-4502-908
Web Site: www.fenchem.comsvc/serv05110091

Ronas Chemicals Ind., Ltd.   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 3F No. 3, Alley 6, Lane 329, Sec. 1, Tun Hua South Rd.Taipei, Taiwan Other products:
Telephone: 886-2-85091839
Fax: 886-2-23258985
Web Site: www.ronasgroup.comsvc/serv05610471

Reliable Biopharmaceutical Corp.   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 1945 Walton Rd., PO Box 140192 St. Louis, MO 63114 Other products:
Telephone: (314)429-7700
Fax: (314)429-0937
Web Site: www.reliablebiopharm.comsvc/serv01710544

R. W. Greeff   Enquiry for GLUTATHIONE

Address: 333 Ludlow Street, 6th Fl. Other products:
Zip: Stamford, CT 06902
Telephone: (203)541-9200
Fax: (203)541-9191
Web Site: www.pechineychemicals.comsvc/serv02811675
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