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Glyceryl monostearate

About Glyceryl monostearate

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Glyceryl monostearate

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1-glycerol stearate; Glycerol Monostearate; GMS; Glyceryl monostearate; 1-Glyceryl stearate; 1-Monostearin; 1-Monostearoylglycerol; 3-Stearoyloxy-1,2-propanediol; Aldo 33; Aldo 75; Aldo MSD; Aldo MSLG; Arlacel 165; Emerest 2407; FEMA No. 2527; Glycerin 1-monostearate; Glycerin 1-stearate; Glycerol 1-monostearate; Glycerol 1-stearate; Glycerol alpha-monostearate; Glyceryl 1-monostearate; NSC 3875; Sandin EU; Stearic acid 1-monoglyceride; Stearic acid alpha-monoglyceride; Tegin 55G; alpha-Monostearin; (1)-2,3-Dihydroxypropyl stearate; Glycerol stearate, pure; Octadecanoic acid, 2,3-dihydroxypropyl ester; Stearin, 1-mono-; Stearin, 1-mono-; Distilled glycerin monostearate; Glyceryl monooleate; Glyceryl Mono-and distearate



EINECS: 204-664-4;250-705-4;234-325-6
Molecular Weight: 358.56
Molecular Formula: C21H24O4
Melting Point(℃): 55-60℃
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Glyceryl monostearate

Monostearin Suppliers

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Henkel Chimica S.p.A.   Enquiry for Monostearin

Address: Via Barrella 6 Other products:
Telephone: 39-02-357921
Fax: 39-02-3552550
Web Site: www.henkel.comsvc/serv00825402

Miracema Nuodex Industria Quimica S.A.   Enquiry for Monostearin

Address: Caixa postal 719, Campinas (SP) Other products:
Telephone: 55-19-249-6000
Fax: 55-19-247-3821
Web Site: www.miracema-nuodex.com.brsvc/serv00825484

Seppic S.A.   Enquiry for Glyceryl monostearate

Address: 75 Quai d Orsay, Paris Cedex 07 Other products:
Telephone: 33-1-4062-5555
Fax: 33-1-4062-5253
Web Site: www.seppic.comsvc/serv00825670

Stepan Mexico S.A.   Enquiry for Glycerol monostearate

Address: Av. Uniones 150, Zona Industrial, H. Matamoros, Tamps Other products:
Telephone: 52-88-101330
Fax: 52-88-101370
Web Site: www.stepan.comsvc/serv00825747

Henkel Mexicana, S.A. de C.V   Enquiry for Glyceryl monostearate

Address: Calzada de la Viga s/nFracc. Los Laureles Loc. Tulpetlac, Ecatepec de Morelos, Edo de Mexico Other products:
Telephone: 52-555-836-1300
Fax: 52-555-836-1484
Web Site: www.henkel.comsvc/serv00825756

Peter Greven Fett-Chemie   Enquiry for Glycerol monostearate

Address: Peter-Greven-Stra遝 20-30 D-53902 Bad M黱stereifel Other products:
Telephone: 49-2253-313-0
Fax: 49-2253-313-134
Web Site: www.peter-greven.desvc/serv00825979

Henkel Argentina S.A.   Enquiry for Glyceryl monostearate

Address: Carabelas 2328 1872 Sarandi Avellaneda Other products:
Telephone: 54-11-4265-0121
Fax: 54-11-4205-3360
Web Site: www.henkel.com.arsvc/serv00826318

Zakłady Chemiczne i Tworzyw Sztucznych BORYSZEW S.A.   Enquiry for Monostearin

Address: 96-500 Sochaczew, ul. 15 Sierpnia 106 Other products:
Telephone: 46-8630201
Fax: 46-8630096
Web Site: www.boryszew.com.plsvc/serv00826487

Henkel Venezolana S.A   Enquiry for Glyceryl monostearate

Address: Floor 8 - Officina 85, Main Av. of South Altamira, Apartado 62615 Other products:
Telephone: 58-2-263-3422, 265-7163, 265-6156
Fax: 58-2-262-0956
Web Site: www.henkel.comsvc/serv00826584

Cascade Columbia Distribution   Enquiry for Glyceryl Monostearate

Address: 6900 Fox Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 Other products:
Telephone: (206) 282-6334
Fax: (206) 282-6330
Web Site: www.cascadecolumbia.comsvc/serv00927152
Total 97 Suppliers,Showing51--60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10