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Iron Oxide

About Iron Oxide

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Iron Oxide

Product Name:

Iron(III) oxide


C.I. 77491; C.I. Pigment Red 101; C.I. Pigment Red 101 and 102; C.I. Pigment Red 102; Ferric oxide; Iron (III) Oxide Anhydrous; diiron trioxide; E 172; Iron (III) oxide - calcined; Ironoxide anhydrous; Ironoxideredbrownpowder; Iron oxide - precipitated; Ferric oxide,medicinal; Ferric oxide for ferrite; Iron (III) oxide, red; Hematite; IRON OXIDE RED; C.I.P. R.101; Iron (III) oxide; diferric oxygen(-2) anion; oxo-(oxoferriooxy)iron; Iron Oxide; Iron(III)oxide; Transparent iron oxide red



EINECS: 215-168-2;215-275-4;215-570-8
Molecular Weight: 159.6882
Molecular Formula: Fe2O3
Melting Point(℃): 1538℃
Water Solubility: INSOLUBLE
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R36/37/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26; Details
Iron Oxide

Iron(III) oxide Suppliers

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Precolor   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: Czech republic, , Other products:
Telephone: +420 581 706 831
Fax: +420 581 706 830
Web Site: www.precolor.czsvc/serv00925282

Norkem Ltd   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 44 (0)1565 755550
Fax: 44 (0)1565 755496
Web Site: www.norkem.comsvc/serv00925292

James M. Brown Limited   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: Napier Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs ST4 4NX, UK Other products:
Telephone: + 44 (0) 1782 744171
Fax: + 44 (0) 1782 744473
Web Site: www.jamesmbrown.co.uksvc/serv00925403

St-Petersburg. Nevskaya Palitra   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: Serdobolskaya str.,68, 197342, St.Petersburg, Russia Other products:
Telephone: 7-812-337-11-19
Web Site: eng.artpaints.rusvc/serv00825513

Ferro Mexicana, S.A. DE C.V.   Enquiry for Ferric oxide

Address: Oriente 171 Num. 450, Col. Prol. Aragon-Inguaran, Del. Gustavo A. Madero Other products:
Telephone: 52-55-5090-7200
Fax: 52-55-5760-5154
Web Site: www.ferro.comsvc/serv00825601

Algol Finland   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Karapellontie 6, 02610 Espoo, , Other products:
Telephone: +358 9 509 91
Fax: +358 9 595 006
Web Site: www.algol.fisvc/serv00925623

Prodexim Ltd.   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: 4, Bogomoltsa str, office 122, 01024 Kiev, Ukraine Other products:
Telephone: +380-44-256 2558
Fax: +380-44-256 2559
Web Site: www.prodexim.comsvc/serv01025961

Rhein Chemie   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: Dusseldorfer Straee 23 - 27, Mannheim Other products:
Telephone: 49-621-89070
Fax: 49-621-8907594
Web Site: www.rheinchemie.comsvc/serv00825998

Arizona Oxides LLC   Enquiry for Ferric Oxide

Address: 12519 W. Butler Drive El Mirage, Arizona 85335 Other products:
Telephone: 1-800-576-1500
Fax: 1-623-935-9365
Web Site: svc/serv00826179

Marmara Kimya   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Bati Mah. Ankara Cad. Yargiclar 莍kmazi Yayla Apt. A blok No:1 Kat:2 D:4 Pendik/ISTANBUL Other products:
Telephone: 90-212-6641374
Fax: 90-212-5823664
Web Site: www.marmara-kimya.comsvc/serv01026248
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