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Lead oxide

About Lead oxide

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Lead oxide

Product Name:

Lead(II) oxide


C.I. 77577; C.I. Pigment Yellow 46; Lead oxide; Lead(II) oxide yellow; Lead(II)oxide; Lead monoxide; Lead oxide yellow; litharge; lead (II) oxide, litharge, lead oxide; yellow lead monoxide; Leadoxideyellowpowder; Leadoxide; lead mono oxide; red lead oxide; Lead oxide yellow granular; Yellow Lead Oxide Granular; litharge granular; lead oxide regular; litharge regular; litharge irregular; oxo-lambda~2~-plumbane; plumbous oxygen(-2) anion; Rhenogran P60-80



EINECS: 215-267-0;215-626-1
Molecular Weight: 223.1994
Molecular Formula: PbO
Melting Point(℃): 886℃
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R20/22;R33;R50/53;R61;R62;     Details
Safety Description:
 S45;S53;S60;S61; Details
Lead oxide

Lead(II) oxide Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

800Chemicals.com   Enquiry for LEAD OXIDE

Address: 2345 SW 34th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Other products:
Telephone: (954) 327-0900; 1-888-275-5059
Fax: (954) 327-0903
Web Site: www.800chemicals.comsvc/serv00927713

Hammond Lead Products   Enquiry for Litharge

Address: 1414 Field Street Building B Hammond, Indiana 46320 Other products:
Telephone: 219-931-9360
Fax: 219-931-2140
Web Site: svc/serv00828403

Kumar Industries   Enquiry for Red lead oxide

Address: 509/2, Phase - IV G I D C,Naroda. Ahmedabad - 382 330, Gujarat INDIA. Other products:
Telephone: 91 - 79 - 282 0735 / 281 1781
Fax: 91-79-282 2547 / 91-79-562 3403
Web Site: www.kumarind.comsvc/serv01128629

Alchemy Importers, Inc.   Enquiry for Lead Monoxide

Address: 127 - B Bridgeton Pike, Suite 357, Mullica Hill, New Jersey 08062, USA Other products:
Telephone: 1-856-308-3828
Fax: 1-856-262-9626
Web Site: www.alchemyimporters.comsvc/serv00828871

CMM SA   Enquiry for Litharge

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 33144505262
Fax: 33144505270
Web Site: www.thomasb2b.com/profile/ENUS/268/291890/143745/cmm-sasvc/serv01128900

SD Fine-Chem Ltd.   Enquiry for Litharge

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-24937480
Fax: 91-22-24937232
Web Site: www.thomasb2b.com/profile/ENUS/268/291890/80023172/sd-finechem-ltdsvc/serv01128943

TANAKA AI CO., LTD.   Enquiry for Litharge

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 81-942 32 6331
Fax: 81-942 32 6336
Web Site: www.thomasb2b.com/profile/ENUS/268/291890/50429460/tanaka-ai-co-ltd-head-officesvc/serv01128989

Ajax Finechem   Enquiry for Lead oxide

Address: PO Box 232 Seven Hills NSW 1730 Other products:
Telephone: +61 (02) 9839 4000
Fax: +61 (02) 9674 9058
Web Site: www.ajaxfinechem.co.nzsvc/serv00929269

Atlantic Equipment Engineers, a division of Micron Metals Inc.   Enquiry for Lead Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 1 800 486-2436
Fax: 1 201 387-0291
Web Site: www.micronmetals.comsvc/serv01129378

Chemco Pigments PVT. LTD.   Enquiry for Litharge

Address: 44, Govt. Industrial Estate Kanpur , (U.P.) India, , Other products:
Telephone: +91-9415058291
Fax: 91-0512-2213769
Web Site: www.chemcopigments.comsvc/serv01131063
Total 77 Suppliers,Showing51--60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8