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Olive oil

About Olive oil

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Olive oil

Product Name:

Oil of Olive


Olive oil



EINECS: 232-277-0
Molecular Weight: Add
Molecular Formula: Add
Density: 0.92
Flash Point(℃): 225℃
Hazard Symbols:
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Oil of Olive Suppliers

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Union Derivan, S.A. (UNDESA),   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: Avda Generalitat 175-179, 08840 Viladecans, Barcelona, Other products:
Telephone: 00-34-93.637.35.37
Fax: 00-34-93.659.19.02
Web Site: www.undesa.comsvc/serv01710868

SAMYANG CORPORATION   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: 263 YEONJI-DONG, CHONGNO-GU,Seoul Other products:
Telephone: (02)740-7114
Fax: (02)743-7720
Web Site: www.samyang.co.krsvc/serv05612633

Appalachian Valley Natural Products   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: P.O. Box 515 Friendsville, Maryland 21531 Other products:
Telephone: (888) 907-6457/ (301) 746-4630
Fax: (301) 746-4633
Web Site: www.av-at.comsvc/serv00412882

Mermaid Bay Soap Company   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: 154 Lower Dent St., Whangarei, New Zealand Other products:
Telephone: 64 (0)508- 637 624(FREE)
Fax: 64 (0)9 4306 509
Web Site: svc/serv00517456

Expocell AB   Enquiry for Olive oil

Address: Gustavsgatan 23 216 11 Limhamn, Sweden Other products:
Telephone: +46 40 21 10 20
Fax: +46 40 21 10 40
Web Site: www.expocell.sesvc/serv00419413

Axo Chemical, Inc.   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: P.O. BOX 557973 Miami, FL 33255. Other products:
Zip: FL 33255
Telephone: (305) 663-1820
Fax: (305) 663-1830
Web Site: www.axochemical.comsvc/serv02720034

Cure Herbs   Enquiry for Olive oil

Address: WZ-435-A, Nangal Raya,New Delhi, Delhi, India Other products:
Zip: 110 046
Telephone: +(91)-(11)-25106849
Fax: +(91)-9811683261
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/cureherbssvc/serv00520486

Healthcare Manufacturing Group   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: 14-16 Norman Spencer Drive PO Box 76 401Manukau City Auckland New Zealand Other products:
Telephone: +64-9-279 7979
Fax: +64-9-279 7999
Web Site: svc/serv00420722

De Free   Enquiry for Olive Oil

Address: No 64, Jalan TSB 9, Taman Industry Sg. Buloh, 47000 Sg. Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia. Other products:
Telephone: 603-6157 1796/6510/6511
Fax: 603-6157 3115
Web Site: www.asiapacific.com.mysvc/serv00420934

Indian Natural Products division(Auro Avenida Exports Pvt. Ltd. )   Enquiry for OLIVE OIL

Address: 8-2-684/II/8, Plot No. 11, Kanakadurga Temple Street, Bhavani Nagar, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, HYDERABAD - INDIA Other products:
Zip: 500 034
Telephone: +91-40-23372771, 23372772, 23372773
Fax: +91-40-23372503, 23372775
Web Site: www.indiannaturalproducts.comsvc/serv00522609
Total 44 Suppliers,Showing21--30 1 2 3 4 5