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Potassium Phosphate

About Potassium Phosphate

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Potassium Phosphate

Product Name:

Potassium Phosphate Tribasic


Tripotassium Orthophosphate; Phosphoricacid,Tripotassiumsalt; Tkp; Tri-Potassium Orthophosphate; Tripotassium Phosphate; Potassiumphosphatetribasick3po4; Potassium O-Phosphate; Potassium Phosphate; Tripotassium Phosphate Anhydrous; Phosphoric acid, potassium salt



EINECS: 231-907-1
Molecular Weight: 212.26
Molecular Formula: K3PO4
Melting Point(℃): 1340℃
Water Solubility: 50.8 g/100 mL (25℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R38;R41;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26;S39; Details
Potassium Phosphate

Potassium Phosphate Tribasic Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

Indiana Chem-Port   Enquiry for Tri Potassium Phosphate Anhydrous

Address: 349, G.I.D.C. Estate, Makarpura, Vadodara-390 010, Gujarat, India Other products:
Zip: 390 010
Telephone: +91- 0265-642067,643726
Fax: +91 - 0265 - 644717
Web Site: www.indianachem-port.comsvc/serv00512526

Brown Chemical Co. Inc.   Enquiry for POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE TRIBASIC

Address: 302 West Oakland Av., PO Box 440 Other products:
Zip: Oakland, NJ 07436
Telephone: (201)337-0900
Fax: (201)337-9026
Web Site: www.brownchem.comsvc/serv02813029

Cosmocel, S.A   Enquiry for POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE

Address: Guadalajara, Jalisco Other products:
Telephone: 52(3) 672-4004
Web Site: www.cosmocel.com.mxsvc/serv02417487

Heartland Supply Company, Inc.   Enquiry for POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE

Address: p.o. box 250 fayetteville, ar Other products:
Zip: 72702
Telephone: (479) 444-0970
Fax: (479) 521-5022
Web Site: www.heartlandsupply.comsvc/serv02121917

Alliance Chemical   Enquiry for Potassium Phosphate

Address: P.O. Box 2279 Round Rock, Texas Other products:
Telephone: (512) 365-6838
Fax: (512) 365-6833
Web Site: www.alliancechemical.comsvc/serv01722167

INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS, INC.   Enquiry for Potassium Phosphate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (804)275-9292
Web Site: www.industrialchemicals.comsvc/serv00423552

DAIHO CHEMICALS   Enquiry for Potassium phosphate

Address: Other products:
Web Site: www.daihochem.co.jpsvc/serv00724437

Aalay Overseas Corporation   Enquiry for POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE

Address: 104, Vardhaman Market, Sector-17, Vashi, , New Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. , Maharashtra ( India ) Other products:
Zip: 400705
Telephone: 91-22-55912775 / 56111651
Fax: 91-22-55912776
Web Site: www.aalay.comsvc/serv02724525

BK Giulini Chemie GmbH & Co. OHG   Enquiry for Tripotassium phosphate

Address: Giulinistrasse 2, 67065 Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany, , Other products:
Telephone: 49-621-5709-01
Fax: 49-621-5709-452
Web Site: www.bk-giulini.desvc/serv00825050

Arkle International Ltd.   Enquiry for Tripotassium orthophosphate

Address: 1 The Spinney, Mossgate Park, Heysham, Lancs Other products:
Telephone: 44-1524-854606
Fax: 44-1524-859909
Web Site: www.arkle-int.comsvc/serv00826125
Total 88 Suppliers,Showing51--60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9