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pigment blue 15:4

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pigment blue 15:4

Product Name:

Pigment Blue 15:3


C.I. 74160; C.I. Ingrain Blue 2; C.I. Pigment Blue 15; C.I. Pigment Blue 15:1; C.I. Pigment Blue 15:3; C.I. Pigment Blue 15:4; Pigment Blue 15; (29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32)copper; [29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32]-(SP-4-1)-copper; Accosperse cyan blue GT; alpha-Copper phthalocyanine; Aqualine blue; Arlocyanine blue PS; Bahama blue BC; Benzimidazolone yellow; Bermuda blue; blue 15 b; Blue GLA; Blue phthalocyanine alpha-form; Blue pigment; Blue toner GTNF; BT 4651; Calcotone blue GP; Ceres blue BHR; Chromatex blue BN; Chromofine blue 4920; C.I. Pigment Yellow 151; Congo blue B 4; Copper beta-phthalocyanine; Copper(II) phthalocyanine; Cupric phthalocyanine; Copper phthalocyanine; Copper phthalocyanine blue; Copper tetrabenzoporphyrazine; Cromofine blue 4950; Cromophtal blue 4G; Cyan blue BNC 55-3745; cyanine blue; Cyanine blue BB; Cyan peacock blue G; Dainichi cyanine blue B; Daltolite fast blue B; Duratint blue 1001; EM blue NCB; eta-Copper phthalocyanine; Euvinyl blue 702; Fastogen blue 5007; Fastolux blue; Fastolux peacock blue; Fenalac blue B disp; Franconia blue A 4431; Graphtol blue BL; Helio blue B; Monastral blue; phthalocyaninato(2-)copper 1; Phthalocyanine Blue; Phthalocyanine Blue B; Phthalocyanine Blue BGS; Phthalocyanine Blue BN; Phthalocyanine Blue BS; Phthalocyanine Blue BX; Smoke Dye, Blue; (SP-4-1)-(29H,31H-phthalocyaninato(2-)-N29,N30,N31,N32)-Copper; tetrabenzo-5,10,15,20-diazaporphyrinephthalocyanine; turquoise blue base; FAST BLUE PHBN; C.I. PIGMENT BLUE 15:0; FAST BLUE BGS; FAST BLUE BGN; Copper ii phthalocyanine; copper(2+) phthalocyanine-29,31-diide; (phthalocyaninato(2-))-coppe; (phthalocyaninato(2-))copper; Copper Phthalocyanine; CuPC; pigment blue 15:4; LT-E201



EINECS: 205-685-1
Molecular Weight: 576.0701
Molecular Formula: C32H16CuN8
Melting Point(℃): 600℃ (dec.)
Water Solubility: <0.1 g/100 mL at 20℃
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
pigment blue 15:4

Pigment Blue 15:3 Suppliers

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Shree Nathji Dyestuffs   Enquiry for PIGMENT BLUE 15:4

Address: R-60/1, Model Town III Other products:
Telephone: +(91)-(11)-27133896/27444651
Fax: +(91)-(11)-27133896/27444651
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/shree-nath-ji-dyestuffssvc/serv00424524

Advaitya Dye-Chem   Enquiry for PIGMENT BLUE 15:3

Address: 7, Swagat Complex, 2nd Floor, Pushpkunj, Kankaria, Maninagar, Ahmedabad - 380 008., Gujarat, India. Other products:
Telephone: +91-79-25434711, 25430662
Fax: +91-79-25431579
Web Site: www.advaityadyechem.comsvc/serv00424811

R R Agencies   Enquiry for Pigment Blue 15

Address: 4/87, Road No 2, Mumbai 400071, India/Indien, Mumbai, Other products:
Telephone: +91-22-3296-6934
Fax: +91-22-3296-6934
Web Site: www.rragencies.comsvc/serv00424893

James M. Brown Limited   Enquiry for Copper phthalocyanine

Address: Napier Street, Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs ST4 4NX, UK Other products:
Telephone: + 44 (0) 1782 744171
Fax: + 44 (0) 1782 744473
Web Site: www.jamesmbrown.co.uksvc/serv00925403

Ishan Dyes & Chemicals, Ltd.   Enquiry for COPPER PHTHALOCYANINE

Address: 1st Floor, Dinsha Chambers,Borsad Gujarat Other products:
Zip: 388 540
Telephone: 00 91 2696 20476
Fax: 00 91 2696 20696
Web Site: www.ishandyes-pigments.comsvc/serv01026208

PCL Group Inc.   Enquiry for Phthalocyanine blue

Address: 266 West Mitchell Avenue, Cincinnati Other products:
Telephone: 1-513-681-0099
Fax: 1-513-681-0451
Web Site: svc/serv00826615

TAE SUNG CHEMICAL CO., LTD.   Enquiry for Copper Phthalocyanine

Address: #483 Pyojeong-Ri, Yeonsan-Meon, Nonsan-Si, Choong Cheong Nam-Do, Korea Other products:
Telephone: +82-41-733-4501
Fax: +82-41-733-6264
Web Site: www.tschemical.co.krsvc/serv01026719


Address: 1001, Gali Tellian, Tilak Bazar, Delhi-110006. (India) Other products:
Telephone: 91-11-23931113 / 23962842
Fax: 91-11-23931114
Web Site: www.pdindustries.comsvc/serv00828723

Meghmani Organics Limited   Enquiry for Pigment Blue 15

Address: Shree Nivas Society,Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380 007.Gujarat, India Other products:
Telephone: 91-79-26640668 / 669,
Fax: 91-79-26640670
Web Site: www.meghmani.comsvc/serv00829084

Nanavati Group Of Companies   Enquiry for Copper Phthalocyanine Blue

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 00 91 22 - 204 3657 / 204 4422
Fax: 00 91 22 - 204 2769
Web Site: www.nanavatigroup.comsvc/serv00929750
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