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Polyethylene wax

About Polyethylene wax

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Polyethylene wax

Product Name:



polyethylene standard 183000; Polyethylenepowderforglc; poly(methylene); Polyethylene (trace elements; Ethylene resin (low density); Ethylene resin (high density); Ethylene latex; Ethylene resin (low M.Wt.); Polyethylene wax; High Density Polyethylene; PE; Polyethylene



Molecular Weight: Add
Molecular Formula: (C2H4)n
Density: 0.95
Melting Point(℃): 92 °C
Flash Point(℃): 270 °C
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
Polyethylene wax

Poly(ethylene) Suppliers

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Kuehn Rubber Company   Enquiry for Polyethylene

Address: 2208 S. 38th Street,Milwaukee, WI 53215-2317 Other products:
Telephone: (414) 672-3000
Fax: (414) 672-3009
Web Site: svc/serv02420018

Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.   Enquiry for Polyethylene

Address: 1 Auckland Place Calcutta West Bengel India Other products:
Zip: 700017
Web Site: www.haldiapetrochemicals.comsvc/serv02720095

Reliance Industries Limited   Enquiry for Polyethylene

Address: Reliance Centre, 19, Walchand Hirachand Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 038. India. Other products:
Zip: 400 038
Telephone: 91-22-3032 7000
Fax: 91-22-2287 0072
Web Site: www.ril.comsvc/serv02720289

Sabic Korea Limited   Enquiry for High Density Polyethylene

Address: #2202 Korea World Trade Center, 159 Samsung Dong, Kangnam Gu Seoul Korea, South Other products:
Zip: 135-090
Telephone: +966 (0)1 225 8000
Fax: +966 (0)1 225 9000
Web Site: www.sabic.comsvc/serv02720297

Thai Petrochemical Industry Public Co. Ltd. (TPI)   Enquiry for HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE

Address: 26/56 TPI Tower, 26 Floor, Chan Tat Mai Road., Thungmahamek , Sathorn Bangkok 10120 THAILAND Other products:
Zip: 10120
Telephone: 66-02- 678-5050
Fax: 66-02- 678-5001-5
Web Site: www.tpigroup.co.thsvc/serv02720340

Bribros Australia Pty Ltd   Enquiry for High Density Polyethylene

Address: 51-57 Buckhurst Street South Melbourne ,Vic. ,Australia Other products:
Zip: 3205
Telephone: 61 3 9699 6888
Fax: 61 3 9699 2244
Web Site: www.bribros.com.ausvc/serv02720565

Chemical and Company Ltd.   Enquiry for High Density Polyethylene

Address: Room 1411, Keopyung Town Tower A, 203-1 Nonhyun-Dong, Kangnam-Gu, Seoul, Korea Other products:
Telephone: 02-541-7195/7197
Fax: 02-541-7196
Web Site: www.chemcom.co.krsvc/serv02720568

Yee Kee Hong Industrial Supplies Limited   Enquiry for High Density Polyethylene

Address: 7/F. V Heun Building 138 Queen's Road Central Central District Hong Kong Other products:
Telephone: (852) 2815-0626
Fax: (852) 3009-8617
Web Site: www.yeekeehong.comsvc/serv02720609

Solvochem   Enquiry for Polyethylene

Address: Other products:
Web Site: www.solvochem.comsvc/serv02120669

Mirae International Co.   Enquiry for High Density Polyethylene

Address: 7th flloor,Song-Am Bldg, 84, Nonhyun-Dong, Kangnam-Gu ,Seoul,Korea, South Other products:
Zip: 135-010
Telephone: 82-2-545-1304
Fax: 82-2-545-5436
Web Site: www.mic.co.krsvc/serv02720838
Total 257 Suppliers,Showing91--100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>