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Potassium Sulfate

About Potassium Sulfate

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Potassium Sulfate

Product Name:

Potassium Sulphate


Arcanum duplicatum; arcanumduplicatum; dipotassiumsulfate; Glazier's salt; kaliumsulphuricum; Potassium sulfate, alpha; potassiumsulfate(2:1); Potassium Sulfate



EINECS: 231-915-5
Molecular Weight: 174.24
Molecular Formula: K2SO4
Density: 2.662
Melting Point(℃): 1067℃
Boiling Point(℃): 1689℃
Water Solubility: 110 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S22;S24/25; Details
Potassium Sulfate

Potassium Sulphate Suppliers

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INDO GULF GROUP   Enquiry for Potassium Sulphate

Address: 51/57,Dontad Street, 1st Floor, Office No.11,Mumbai-400 009, India Other products:
Telephone: 91-3741220,3732925,3745536
Fax: 91-3745536,3872757
Web Site: www.indogulfgroup.comsvc/serv01711589

Exaxol Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Potassium Sulfate

Address: Exaxol Chemical Corporation. 14325 60th St. N., Clearwater, FL 33760-2708 Other products:
Telephone: (727) 524-7732
Fax: 727) 532-8221
Web Site: www.exaxol.comsvc/serv03811746

CR Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Potassium Sulphate

Address: 4450 Trade Center Blvd. ITC Park./Laredo Tx. 78045 USA, , Other products:
Telephone: 1-956-753-9524
Fax: 1-956-753-0175
Web Site: www.crchemical.comsvc/serv06011893

ACS Chemical Inc.   Enquiry for POTASSIUM SULFATE

Address: 1401 Beaver Dam Rd., Suite 1 Other products:
Zip: Point Pleasant, NJ 08742
Web Site: acschemical.com/svc/serv02811901

Indiana Chem-Port   Enquiry for Potassium Sulfate

Address: 349, G.I.D.C. Estate, Makarpura, Vadodara-390 010, Gujarat, India Other products:
Zip: 390 010
Telephone: +91- 0265-642067,643726
Fax: +91 - 0265 - 644717
Web Site: www.indianachem-port.comsvc/serv00512526

General Chemical Performance Products, LLC   Enquiry for POTASSIUM SULFATE

Address: Parsippany, NJ 07054-0393 Other products:
Zip: 90 E. Halsey Rd.
Telephone: (973)515-0900
Fax: (973)515-3232
Web Site: www.genchemcorp.comsvc/serv02812555

Kolon International Corportion   Enquiry for Potassium Sulphate

Address: Kolontower the second 1-22 Byulyang-dong Kwacheon-city,Kyunggi-do Other products:
Zip: 427-040
Telephone: 82-2-3677-8275
Fax: 82-2-3677-7528
Web Site: www.kolonintl.comsvc/serv05612626

MV Laboratories, Inc.   Enquiry for Potassium sulfate

Address: 1 Eighth Street, Suite 15Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Other products:
Telephone: (908) 996-6633
Fax: 908-996-6697
Web Site: www.mvlaboratories.comsvc/serv03812794

SwanTek   Enquiry for Potassium Sulphate

Address: Mintsfeet Road South,Kendal, Cumbria.LA9 6NDUnited Kingdom Other products:
Telephone: +44 1539 722247
Fax: +44 1539 740067
Web Site: svc/serv03813305

ICL Fertilizers   Enquiry for Potassium Sulfate

Address: Potash House,P.O.Box 75,Beer Sheva, 84100,Israel Other products:
Telephone: +972-8-6465128 / 9
Fax: +972-8-6280995
Web Site: www.iclfertilizers.comsvc/serv02417142
Total 161 Suppliers,Showing61--70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>