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Reactive Red 195

About Reactive Red 195

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Reactive Red 195

Product Name:

Reactive Red M-3be


EvermaxMagenta SF-B; Reactive Red 195; Reactive Red M 3BE; Reactive Red ME 4BL; Sumifix Supra Red 3BF; Sunfix Supra Red S 3B-SPE; C.I. Reactive Red 195; Reactive Red 195



Molecular Weight: 1136.31
Molecular Formula: C31H19ClN7O19S6.5Na
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Reactive Red 195

Reactive Red M-3be Suppliers

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Aakash Chemicals and Dye-Stuffs, Inc.   Enquiry for REACTIVE RED 195

Address: 561 Mitchell Road ?Glendale Heights, IL Other products:
Zip: 60139
Telephone: (630)-469-3838
Fax: (630)-469-2255
Web Site: www.aakashchemicals.comsvc/serv02124932

Sanchi Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.   Enquiry for REACTIVE RED 195

Address: 412- A, City Centre, 570, M. G. Road, Indore - 452001 INDIA., Indore, Indore Other products:
Telephone: 91-731-2430097 / 91-731-2535587
Fax: 91-731-2530587
Web Site: http://www.sanchichem.comsvc/serv00828992

Anil Dyes & Intermediates   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: Plot No. 266/1, 266/2 Phase- 2 , GIDC Vatwa Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 382 445, India, , Other products:

Solvent Red 24

Solvent Red 23

Reactive black 5

Reactive Orange 13

Reactive orange 12

Telephone: +(91)-(79)-65128661/ 26563458
Web Site: svc39051

Anand International   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: Holiday Plaza, Top Floor, Opp. Samarth Tower, Akshar Marg, Kalawad Road,, Rajkot, Gujarat Other products:

Mordant Black 17

Solvent Black 3

Reactive Blue 222

Reactive Yellow 37


Telephone: +91-281-2441074
Fax: +91-281-2441075
Web Site: www.anandcolours.comsvc39416

Aeromax Synthetic Industries   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: F-131/3,Phase-II, G.I.D.C.Naroda,, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Other products:

Reactive Red 195

Reactive Yellow 16...

Direct Black 22

C.I.Reactive Blue ...

Naphthol Yellow S

Telephone: 0091-079-22821846
Fax: +0091-079-22843817
Web Site: +91-079-22843817svc39620

Dura Colour   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: 98 rudraksh complex Vatva Ahmedabad, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Other products:

Direct Red 81

Direct Black 19

Direct Blue 86

C.I. Direct Blue 1...

Direct Yellow 132

Telephone: 91 79 40301287
Web Site: www.duracolour.comsvc41621

Galaxy Colchem Pvt. Ltd.   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: 43 A-B, Sardar Patel Industrial Estate, Narol, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Other products:

Metanil yellow

Reactive Red 195

Reactive Red 11

Reactive Red 198

Reactive Yellow 42

Telephone: +91-79-25715001-4
Fax: 91-79-25715004
Web Site: www.galaxycol.comsvc42557

Vipul Dye Chem Limited   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: No. 102, Andheri Industrial Estate, Off. Veera Desai Road, Andheri - West Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 053, India, , Other products:

Reactive Blue 222

Reactive Blue 221

Reactive Blue 194

Reactive Red 222

Reactive Red 195

Telephone: +(91)-(22)-67759999/ 67759960
Fax: +(91)-(22)-67759977
Web Site: vipuldyes.comsvc49529

Shree Rushabh Industries   Enquiry for Reactive Red 195

Address: Plot No.- 3, Phase-2, GIDC, Vatva, Ahmedabad - 382445, Gujarat, India Other products:
Web Site: www.shreerushabhindustries.comsvc52416
Total 39 Suppliers,Showing31--39 1 2 3 4