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Sodium Dichromate

About Sodium Dichromate

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Sodium Dichromate

Product Name:

Sodium Dichromate


Sodium Bichromate; disodium oxido-(oxido-dioxo-chromio)oxy-dioxo-chromium; disodium oxido-(oxido-dioxo-chromio)oxy-dioxo-chromium dihydrate



EINECS: 234-190-3
Molecular Weight: 297.9981
Molecular Formula: H4Cr2Na2O9
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Sodium Dichromate

Sodium Dichromate Suppliers

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Univar Canada Ltd   Enquiry for Sodium Bichromate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (519) 668-3007
Fax: (519) 668-1916
Web Site: www.univarcanada.comsvc/serv04211738

Labpak Chemicals   Enquiry for Sodium Dichromate

Address: Mill House Mill Lane, Fillongley, Coventry Other products:
Zip: CV7 8EE
Telephone: +44 (0)1270 530 930
Fax: +44 (0)1270 251197
Web Site: www.labpakchemicals.comsvc/serv04111929

Vishnu Chemicals   Enquiry for SODIUM BICHROMATE

Address: 6-3-662/B/A,Flat 1,Suvarna House, Sangeet Nagar Colony,Somaji Guda,, India Other products:
Telephone: 91-040-3311308
Fax: 91-040-3314158
Web Site: www.vishnuchemicals.comsvc/serv02412192

Interstate Chemical Co., Inc.   Enquiry for Sodium Bichromate

Address: 23247 W. Eames StreetChannahon, IL 60410 Other products:
Telephone: (815) 467-1777
Fax: (815) 467-1888
Web Site: www.interstatechemical.comsvc/serv03812486

McGean-Rohco, Inc.   Enquiry for Sodium Dichromate

Address: 2910 Harvard AvenueCleveland, Ohio 44105-3010USA Other products:
Telephone: 216-441-4900
Fax: 216-441-1377
Web Site: www.mcgean-rohco.comsvc/serv03812759

A.M.P.E.R.E.   Enquiry for Sodium Dichromate

Address: 5-7, rue de Bretagne ZAI des B閠hunes F-95310 Saint Ouen l扐um鬾e FRANCE Other products:
Telephone: +33 (0)1 34 32 38 60
Fax: +33 (0)1 34 64 34 41
Web Site: www.ampere.comsvc/serv03613183

ISCA UK Ltd.   Enquiry for Sodium Bichromate

Address: North Blackvein Ind est, Wattsville, Crosskeys, Newport. NP1 7PX Other products:
Telephone: 01495 273050
Fax: 01495 273070
Web Site: www.isca.ukf.netsvc/serv03813298

I.C. Trading Co., Inc.   Enquiry for Sodium Dichromate

Address: 249 Walnut Road Glen Cove, New York 11542 USA, New York, Other products:
Telephone: (516) 609-9191
Fax: (516) 609-9199
Web Site: www.ic-trading.comsvc/serv00217205

The Nichem Group   Enquiry for Sodium Dichromate

Address: 119 Cahard Road, Saintfield, County Down. BT24 7LA Northern Ireland Other products:
Telephone: 028 9751 9000
Fax: 028 9751 9001
Web Site: www.nichem.co.uksvc/serv00617572

Chemi-Culture   Enquiry for Sodium bichromate

Address: 22, Ramesh Mitra Road,Ground Floor, Bhawanipur,Calcutta-700 025 Other products:
Telephone: 91-2474-7913
Web Site: www.chemicultureindia.comsvc/serv00218052
Total 125 Suppliers,Showing51--60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>