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Sodium hexametaphosphate

About Sodium hexametaphosphate

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Sodium hexametaphosphate

Product Name:

Sodium hexametaphosphate


Metaphosphoric acid, hexasodium salt; Hexasodium metaphosphate; Glassy sodium; Graham's Salt, Sodium Polymetaphosphate; SHMP; Sodium Hexameta phosphate; sodium henamephosphate; hexasodium cyclohexaphosphoxane-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexolate 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaoxide; Sodium Hexametapho; Sodium Hexamethaphosphate



EINECS: 233-343-1
Molecular Weight: 611.7704
Molecular Formula: (NaPO3)6
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
Sodium hexametaphosphate

Sodium hexametaphosphate Suppliers

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Great Earth Chemical, LLC   Enquiry for Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Address: Portland, Oregon, USA Other products:
Telephone: 503.620.7130
Fax: 503.670.1737
Web Site: www.greatearthchemical.comsvc/serv00421330

Progressive Products   Enquiry for SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (17) 19-17-11, 19-17-12, 19-17-13
Fax: (17) 19-09-22
Web Site: svc/serv00221435

Lars Christensen Handel A/S   Enquiry for SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE

Address: Peter Bangs Vej 33 - DK-2000 Frederiksberg - Denmark Other products:
Telephone: +45 38864005
Fax: +45 38862305
Web Site: www.lch.dksvc/serv00421580

Indian Muds and Chemicals   Enquiry for Sodium Hexameta Phosphate

Address: 71, Mittal Tower, 'B' Wing, 7th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Other products:
Zip: 400 021
Telephone: +(91)-(22)-22830679/22023384/22023385
Fax: +(91)-(22)-22044659
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/indian-muds-chemicalssvc/serv00521603

Alliance Chemical   Enquiry for Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Address: P.O. Box 2279 Round Rock, Texas Other products:
Telephone: (512) 365-6838
Fax: (512) 365-6833
Web Site: www.alliancechemical.comsvc/serv01722167

Ideal Chemical   Enquiry for Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Address: 4025 Air Park Street Memphis Other products:
Zip: 38118
Telephone: (800)232-6776
Fax: (901)366-0864
Web Site: www.idealchemical.comsvc/serv02122371

Interstate Chemical Company   Enquiry for Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Address: 6133 Edith Boulevard, NE Albuquerque Other products:
Telephone: (800) 422-4485
Web Site: www.interstatechemical.comsvc/serv02122597

Brenntag Canada   Enquiry for Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Address: 60 Titan Road, Toronto, M8Z 2J8, Ontario Other products:
Telephone: (416) 259 8231
Fax: (416)233 7706
Web Site: www.brenntag.casvc/serv00522662

Cayley Chemical Corporation Ltd   Enquiry for SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE

Address: 10 Manor Park Mackenzie Way Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL51 9TX England Other products:
Telephone: +44 (0)1242 222971
Fax: +44 (0)1242 227634
Web Site: cayley@btinternet.comsvc/serv00422973

JLM Chemicals   Enquiry for Sodium Hexametaphosphate

Address: 1 Wealdwood Gardens Hatch End, Middlesex, HA5 4DQ,United Kingdom Other products:
Telephone: 020 8421 0676;+44 20 8421 0676
Fax: 020 8428 0983;+44 20 8428 0983
Web Site: www.jlmchemicals.comsvc/serv00423064
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