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Sodium thiosulfate

About Sodium thiosulfate

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Sodium thiosulfate

Product Name:

Sodium thiosulfate


hypo; hyporice; sodium hyposulfite; sodium subsulfite; sodium thiosulfate anydrous; thiosulfuric acid, disodium salt; thiosulfuric acid (h2s2o3), disodium salt; thiopivalic acid sodium salt; sodi-um hyposulfide; dechlorinating solution; betz 0235; sulfurothioic O,O-acid; hydrogen sulfurothioate



EINECS: 231-867-5
Molecular Weight: 158.109
Molecular Formula: Na2S2O3
Melting Point(℃): 48℃
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
Sodium thiosulfate

Sodium thiosulfate Suppliers

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DbWestern, Incwww.dbwestern.com   Enquiry for Sodium Thiosulfate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 541-756-0533
Fax: 541-756-1913
Web Site: www.dbwestern.comsvc/serv00223925

chyi der chemical co ltd   Enquiry for Sodium Thiosulfate

Address: No.143, Gueisuei St., Sanmin District, Kaohsiung City 807, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Other products:
Telephone: 886-7-3132426
Fax: 886-7-3113539
Web Site: www.chyider.comsvc/serv02124347

Barber's Chemicals, Inc.   Enquiry for Sodium Thiosulfate

Address: 950 Main Street PO Box 135 Sharpsville, PA 16150 Other products:
Zip: PA 16150
Telephone: 724-962-7886
Fax: 724-962-1750
Web Site: svc/serv02724349

Brenntag Holding GmbH & Co. KG   Enquiry for Sodium thiosulfate

Address: Stinnes-Platz 145472 M黮heim an der Ruhr Germany Other products:
Telephone: +49 (208) 7828-0
Fax: +49 (208) 7828-698
Web Site: www.brenntag.comsvc/serv02124650

The STUTZ Company   Enquiry for Sodium Thiosulfate

Address: 4450 W. Carroll Ave. Chicago, IL 60624 Other products:
Telephone: 773-287-1068
Fax: 773-287-4303
Web Site: www.stutzcompany.comsvc/serv00724978

Quadrimex Chimie   Enquiry for Sodium Hyposulfite

Address: 2, chemin de l'Ile Conge 94 500 Champigny sur Marne - FRANCE Other products:
Telephone: 33 (0)1 45 16 12 00
Fax: 33(0)1 45 16 31 26
Web Site: svc/serv00925281

Galvanoquimica Mexicana, SA de CV   Enquiry for Sodium thiosulfate

Address: Enrique R閎samen No. 706, Col. Narvarte , Mexico, D.F. Other products:
Telephone: 55-56874400
Fax: 55-55235378
Web Site: www.galvanoquimica.com.mxsvc/serv00825629

Chemiewerk Bad Kostritz GmbH   Enquiry for Sodium hyposulfite

Address: Heinrichshall, Bad Kostritz Other products:
Telephone: 49-36605-810
Fax: 49-36605-2345
Web Site: www.cwk-bk.desvc/serv00825745

Arkle International Ltd.   Enquiry for Sodium thiosulfate

Address: 1 The Spinney, Mossgate Park, Heysham, Lancs Other products:
Telephone: 44-1524-854606
Fax: 44-1524-859909
Web Site: www.arkle-int.comsvc/serv00826125

Gower Chemicals Limited   Enquiry for Sodium thiosulfate

Address: Crymlyn Burrows Swansea Other products:
Telephone: 44-0-1792 473344
Fax: 44-0-1792 456578
Web Site: www.gowerchemicals.ltd.uksvc/serv00826188
Total 144 Suppliers,Showing81--90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>