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Sodium Tripolyphosphate

About Sodium Tripolyphosphate

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Sodium Tripolyphosphate

Product Name:

Sodium Tripolyphosphate


pentasodium triphosphate; Pentasodium Tripolyphosphate; Sodium Phosphate Tripoly; STPP; Triphosphoric acid, pentasodium salt; Pent-sodium Phosphate; Sodium triphosphate; Sodium Tripolyphos; sodium phosphate (3:1)



EINECS: 231-838-7
Molecular Weight: 367.86413
Molecular Formula: Na5P3O10
Melting Point(℃): 622℃
Water Solubility: 20 g/100 mL (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R36/37/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
Sodium Tripolyphosphate

Sodium Tripolyphosphate Suppliers

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Linkers (Far East) Pte Ltd   Enquiry for Sodium Tripolyphosphate

Address: 50 Robinson Road #09-00 MNB Building Singapore 068882 Other products:
Telephone: (65) 6225 9588
Fax: (65) 6225 0801
Web Site: www.linkers.com.sgsvc/serv00420814

Solomont Korea Co., Ltd   Enquiry for sodium tripolyphosphate

Address: Jangkyo B/D 2503 Seoul,Korea, South Other products:
Web Site: www.solomont.besvc/serv02721071

The Chemistry Store   Enquiry for STPP

Address: 1133 Walter Price St Cayce, SC 29033 Other products:
Telephone: 800-224-1430
Fax: 803-926-5389
Web Site: www.chemistrystore.comsvc/serv02121081

Exim Corporation   Enquiry for Sodium Tripoly Phosphate

Address: 11, Creative Estate N.M. Joshi Marg,Lower Parel (East),Mumbai - 400 011. India. Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-301 2929
Fax: 91-22-300 3030 / 2090
Web Site: www.eximcorp.comsvc/serv00421264

Great Earth Chemical, LLC   Enquiry for Sodium Tripolyphosphate

Address: Portland, Oregon, USA Other products:
Telephone: 503.620.7130
Fax: 503.670.1737
Web Site: www.greatearthchemical.comsvc/serv00421330

Vivion Incorporated   Enquiry for Sodium Tripolyphosphate

Address: 3000 E. 46th Street Vernon CA Other products:
Zip: 90058
Telephone: 323-583-6041
Fax: 323-587-7479
Web Site: www.vivioninc.comsvc/serv02121357

Progressive Products   Enquiry for SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (17) 19-17-11, 19-17-12, 19-17-13
Fax: (17) 19-09-22
Web Site: svc/serv00221435

Pacific Agencies   Enquiry for SODIUM TRI POLY PHOSPHATE

Address: 10, Thank God, 176, D.K.Sandhu Marg Chembur( East ), Mumbai - 400 071, INDIA. Other products:
Telephone: 91 - 22 - 2528 1382 / 2528 3952 ; 2528 4615 / 2528 1254.
Fax: 91 - 22 - 2528 1220 / 2528 4485.
Web Site: www.pacificagencies.comsvc/serv00421463

Lars Christensen Handel A/S   Enquiry for SODIUM TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE

Address: Peter Bangs Vej 33 - DK-2000 Frederiksberg - Denmark Other products:
Telephone: +45 38864005
Fax: +45 38862305
Web Site: www.lch.dksvc/serv00421580

Euram Chemicals Ltd   Enquiry for Sodium tripoly phosphate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (+44) (0)1628 472 848
Fax: (+44) (0)1628 890 095
Web Site: www.euramchemicals.co.uksvc/serv00221821
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