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Stearic acid

About Stearic acid

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Stearic acid

Product Name:

Stearic acid


Octadecanoic acid; n-Octadecan acid; Octadecan acid



EINECS: 200-313-4
Molecular Weight: 284.48
Molecular Formula: C18H36O2
Density: 0.847
Melting Point(℃): 67-69℃
Boiling Point(℃): 361℃
Flash Point(℃): 196℃
Burning Point(℃): 395
Water Solubility: 0.1-1 g/100 mL at 23℃
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R11;R36/37/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S16;S26;S37/39; Details
Stearic acid

Stearic acid Suppliers

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JEBSEN & JESSEN (GMBH & CO.) KG   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: HANSEATIC TRADE CENTER KEHRWIEDER 11 - 20457 HAMBURG,post office box 11 13 13 - 20413 HAMBURG ,Germany Other products:
Zip: 20413
Telephone: +49 (0)40 / 30 14 01
Fax: +49 (0)40 / 32 70 91
Web Site: www.jebsen-jessen.desvc/serv02720737

Linkers (Far East) Pte Ltd   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: 50 Robinson Road #09-00 MNB Building Singapore 068882 Other products:
Telephone: (65) 6225 9588
Fax: (65) 6225 0801
Web Site: www.linkers.com.sgsvc/serv00420814

The Chemistry Store   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: 1133 Walter Price St Cayce, SC 29033 Other products:
Telephone: 800-224-1430
Fax: 803-926-5389
Web Site: www.chemistrystore.comsvc/serv02121081

Ukko Corporation   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: 2F, No. 1, Wen Hu Street Taipei Taiwan, ROC Other products:
Telephone: 886-2-2799-1189
Fax: 886-2-2659-1082;886-2-2659-1085
Web Site: www.ukko.orgsvc/serv00421218

Triple-S Chemicals   Enquiry for Stearic acid

Address: 3464 Union Pacific Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Other products:
Zip: 90023
Telephone: (800) 862-5958
Fax: (323) 261-5567
Web Site: www.ssschemical.comsvc/serv02121338

Cosmos International   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: 3, Purshottam Bhawan,1/3, Issaji Street,Mumbai, Maharashtra, - 400 003 (INDIA) Other products:
Zip: 400 003
Telephone: +(91)-(22)- 23421967/23438000/56312886
Fax: +(91)-(22)-23438000
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/cosmos/svc/serv02721678

Dip Chem Industries   Enquiry for STEARIC ACID

Address: 5,Bhatia Nagar, Trikamdas Road,Near Cinestar Talkies, Kandivali (West).Bombay - 400 067 Other products:
Zip: 400 067
Telephone: ++91-22-2807 10 01 / 2807 83 28
Fax: ++91-22-2807 46 13
Web Site: www.pharma-india.comsvc/serv02721691

Arizona Chemicals   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 0191-411 3200
Fax: (0191) 410 9391
Web Site: www.arizonachemical.comsvc/serv00221742

Pan-Century Edible Oils Sdn Bhd   Enquiry for Stearic Acid

Address: Lot 240, Jalan Timah Tiga, Pasir Gudang Industrial Estate, 81700 Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Other products:
Telephone: 6072511580
Fax: 6072514621
Web Site: www.vichemcolor.comsvc/serv02421820

Cure Chem India   Enquiry for STEARIC ACID

Address: D-3/3582, Vasant Kunj New Delhi - 110070, India Other products:
Telephone: (91-11) 26898689, 26139884
Fax: (91-11) 26123165
Web Site: svc/serv01722161
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