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Succinic anhydride

About Succinic anhydride

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Succinic anhydride

Product Name:

Succinic anhydride


2,5-Dioxotetrahydrofuran; Dihydro-2,5-diketotetrahydrofuran; Dihydro-2,5-furandione; Butanedioic anhydride; Succinic acid anhydride; Succinyloxide; Tetrahydro-2,5-dioxofuran; SAA; dihydrofuran-2,5-dione; 4,4'-oxybis(4-oxobutanoic acid)



EINECS: 203-570-0
Molecular Weight: 218.1608
Molecular Formula: C8H10O7
Density: 1.45g/cm3
Melting Point(℃): 118℃
Boiling Point(℃): 440.2°C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point(℃): 179.3°C
refractive_index: 1.497
Water Solubility: <0.1 g/100 mL at 21℃ (decomposes)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R22;R36/37;     Details
Safety Description:
 S25; Details
Succinic anhydride

Succinic anhydride Suppliers

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Molchemie Overseas   Enquiry for Succinic Anhydride

Address: C-44,Paschim Apts., K. Dhuru Road, Bombay-400 028 (INDIA) Other products:
Telephone: +91-22-4225732 , 4316732
Fax: +91-22-4225732
Web Site: http://www.molchemie.comsvc/serv0028641

BG CHEMICALS   Enquiry for Succinic anhydride

Address: Knekt錽v鋑en 7 S-691 53 Karlskoga Sweden Other products:
Telephone: +46 586 33205
Fax: +46 586 57722
Web Site: svc/serv00210213

Buffalo Color Corp.   Enquiry for SUCCINIC ANHYDRIDE

Address: 100 Lee Steet Buffalo, NY 14210 Other products:
Telephone: 1-716-827-4500
Fax: 1-716-827-4718
Web Site: www.buffalocolor.comsvc/serv00210233

Buffalo Color Corporation   Enquiry for SUCCINIC ANHYDRIDE

Address: 100 Lee Steet,Buffalo, NY 14210,USA Other products:
Zip: NY 14210
Telephone: 1-716-827-4500
Fax: 1-716-827-4718
Web Site: www.buffalocolor.comsvc/serv03810724

DSM Fine Chemicals   Enquiry for Succinic anhydride

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +31 (45) 578 24 21
Fax: +31 (45) 574 06 80
Web Site: www.dsm.comsvc20580

Novocherkassk Plant of Synthetical Products   Enquiry for Succinic anhydride

Address: Shachtinskoye Chausse 8, NPSP, Novocherkassk, Rostov Region Other products:
Telephone: 7-86352-34985
Fax: 7-86352-33070
Web Site: www.magnet.ru.nzspsvc/serv00824879

Sparkford Chemicals Ltd   Enquiry for Succinic Anhydride

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +44 (0)23 8022 8747
Fax: 023 8021 0240
Web Site: www.sparkford.co.uksvc/serv00925598

Linwood Chemical   Enquiry for succinic anhydride

Address: 409 Washington St., PMB 157Hoboken, NJ 07030 Other products:
Telephone: 201 663 6521
Fax: 201 222 3961
Web Site: linwoodchem.comsvc/serv00927977

Arnaud SA   Enquiry for Succinic anhydride

Address: 23 rue des ardennes paris 19 75019 France Other products:
Telephone: 33-1-44731000
Fax: 33-1-44731110
Web Site: www.arnaudgroup.comsvc/serv00829022

SUNJO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD   Enquiry for Succinic anhydride

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +886-2-25237299
Fax: +886-2-25237266
Web Site: www.sunjo.com.twsvc/serv01231865
Total 43 Suppliers,Showing31--40 1 2 3 4 5