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Zinc chloride

About Zinc chloride

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Zinc chloride

Product Name:

Zinc chloride


Zinc chloride solution; Zinc chloride, anhydrous; Zinc Chloride, MB Grade (1.08811); Zincchlorideultradry; zinc dichloride



EINECS: 231-592-0
Molecular Weight: 136.315
Molecular Formula: ZnCl2
Melting Point(℃): 293℃
Water Solubility: 432 g/100 mL (25℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R22;R34;R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26;S36/37/39;S45;S60;S61; Details
Zinc chloride

Zinc chloride Suppliers

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Panreac   Enquiry for Zinc Chloride

Address: Riera de Sant Cugat, 1 E-08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona) Other products:
Telephone: (+34) 935 642 408
Fax: (+34) 935 647 000
Web Site: www.panreac.essvc/serv0567711

Rabier Enterprise Inc.   Enquiry for ZINC CHLORIDE

Address: 259 Sebastian Dr. Millbrae, CA 94030 Other products:
Telephone: (650)745-1410
Fax: (650)745-1283
Web Site: www.rabierco.comsvc/serv0127833

Shintaro - Quimica e Engenharia, lda.   Enquiry for Zinc Chloride

Address: Rua da Gandarinha, 104490-513 Pioa de Varzim Other products:
Telephone: (+351) 252 620 920
Fax: (+351) 252 620 980
Web Site: www.shintaro.ptsvc/serv0407978

Tetra Technologies, Inc.   Enquiry for ZINC CHLORIDE

Address: PO Box 73087 Houston, TX 77273 Other products:
Zip: 73087
Telephone: 281.367.1983
Fax: 281.364.4346
Web Site: www.tetratec.comsvc/serv0098059

Caledon Laboratories Ltd.   Enquiry for Zinc Chloride

Address: Caledon Laboratories Limited,40 Armstrong Avenue,Georgetown, Ontario,Canada Other products:
Zip: L7G 4R9
Telephone: 905-456-0226
Fax: 905-877-6666
Web Site: www.caledonlabs.comsvc/serv0388131

Expo Chemical Co., Inc.   Enquiry for ZINC CHLORIDE

Address: 6807 Theall, Suite A,Houston, TX 77066 Other products:
Telephone: (281)895-9200
Fax: (281)895-9201
Web Site: www.expochem.comsvc/serv0248260

Global Chemical   Enquiry for Zinc Chloride

Address: 545 Sukhumvit Rd., T.Praksa, A.Muang, Samutprakarn 10280 THAILAND Other products:
Telephone: (662) 3240473 -5
Fax: (662) 3240472
Web Site: www.glochem.comsvc/serv0408557

C. Reifkogel GmbH   Enquiry for zinc chloride

Address: Alsterdorfer Str. 534 D-22337 Hamburg Other products:
Telephone: +49(0)40 506005
Web Site: www.reifkogel.desvc/serv0278628

Quantum Chemicals   Enquiry for ZINC CHLORIDE

Address: 70 Quantum Close Quantum Industrial Park Dandenong South - Melbourne Australia - 3175 Other products:
Telephone: 61-3-8795 8070
Fax: 61-3-8795 8099
Web Site: www.quantumchemicals.com.ausvc/serv05610349

The Shepherd Chemical Company   Enquiry for Zinc Chloride

Address: 4900 Beech Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45212 USA Other products:
Telephone: 513-731-1110
Fax: 513-731-1532
Web Site: www.shepchem.comsvc/serv01710422
Total 224 Suppliers,Showing71--80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>