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zine oxide

Product Name:

Zinc oxide


C.I. 77947; C.I. Pigment White 4; zincoxideheavy; flowers of zinc; zinc white; active zinc oxide; zinkoxyd aktiv; zinci oxidum; activox; activox b; actox14; zine oxide; zine white; zincoxide; actox16; actox216; ai3-00277; akro-zincbar85; akro-zincbar90; amalox; azo22; azo-33; azo-55; azo-55tt; azo-66; azo-66tt; ZNO; oxozinc; zinc oxygen(-2) anion



EINECS: 215-222-5
Molecular Weight: 81.4084
Molecular Formula: ZnO
Melting Point(℃): 1975℃
Water Solubility: 1.6 mg/L (29℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S60;S61; Details
zine oxide

Zinc oxide Suppliers

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Command Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 2490 Black Rock Turnpike Suite# 359 Fairfield, CT. 06825-2400 Other products:
Telephone: (800)233-1550
Fax: 203-255-6648
Web Site: www.commandchemical.comsvc/serv0063816

McSIVAG INDIA GROUP   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Floor No :3, Office No: 2,GK Tower, Dwaraka Nagar,Visakhapatanam - 530 016.Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Other products:
Telephone: +91-891-2753670, 2753671, 2753672
Fax: +91-891-2722692
Web Site: www.mcsivag.comsvc/serv0024410

Sovereign Chemical Company   Enquiry for ZnO

Address: 341 WHITE POND DRIVE AKRON.OH 44320 Other products:
Telephone: 330869 0500
Fax: 330869 0518
Web Site: www.sovereignchemical.comsvc/serv0134599

Harwick Standard   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 330-798-9300
Fax: 330-798-0214
Web Site: www.harwickstandard.com/svc/serv0105191

Callahan Company   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Broad St. & Filmore Ave.Palmyra, NJ 08065 Other products:
Telephone: (856) 786-7900
Fax: (856) 786-0216
Web Site: www.calchem.com/svc/serv0105331

Ashland   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Div. of Ashland Inc., PO Box 2219, Columbus, OH, 43216, USA, Columbus, OH Other products:
Telephone: 800-643-1234
Web Site: http://www.ashchem.comsvc/serv0105385

Prince Agri Products   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: One Prince Plaza, P. O. Box 1009, Quincy, IL 62306 Other products:
Telephone: 217-222-8854
Fax: 217-222-5098
Web Site: www.princeagri.com/svc/serv0125651

Hanwha Corporation   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Hanwha B/D 22nd Fl, #1 Changgyo-dong, Chung-gu, Seoul, Korea, 100-797 Other products:
Telephone: 82-2-729-3529
Fax: 82-2-729-3766
Web Site: svc/serv0166214

Bayer Thai Co., Ltd.,   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: Rainer Meyer, Bldg. 4813, Leverkusen Other products:
Telephone: 02 14/30-2 05 22
Fax: 02 14/30-2 03 46
Web Site: www.bayer.co.thsvc/serv0066829

Ashland Distribution Company, Chemicals   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: PO Box 2219 Other products:
Zip: Columbus, OH 43216
Telephone: (614)790-3333
Fax: (614)790-3465
Web Site: svc/serv0277117
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