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Ethyl Alcohol

About Ethyl Alcohol

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Ethyl Alcohol

Product Name:

Ethyl Alcohol


Ethanol; Alcohol; Distilled spirits; Ethanol, undenatured; Ethyl alcohol, undenatured; 1-Hydroxyethane; Absolute ethanol; Aethanol; Aethylalkohol; Alcohol (ethyl alcohol); Alcohol dehydrated; Alcohol, anhydrous; Alcohol, diluted; Alcohol, ethyl; Alcohols; Alcool ethylique; Alcool etilico; Algrain; Alkohol; Alkoholu etylowego; Anhydrol; CCRIS 945; Caswell No. 430; Cologne Spirit; Dehydrated alcohol; Denatured alcohol; Denatured ethanol; EtOH; Etanolo; Ethanol solution; Ethyl alcohol anhydrous; Ethyl hydrate; Ethyl hydroxide; Ethylalcohol; Etylowy alkohol; FEMA No. 2419; FEMA Number 2419; Fermentation alcohol; Grain alcohol; HSDB 82; Hydroxyethane; Methylcarbinol; Molasses alcohol; NCI-C03134; NSC 85228; Potato alcohol; SD Alchol 23-hydrogen; Spirits of wine; Tecsol; Tecsol C; UNII-3K9958V90M; ethanol (fermentation method); anhydrous ethanol; anhydrous alcohol; anhydrous ethanol (pharmaceutical); absolute alcohol; 95% ethanol; alcohol 95%; edible alcohol; Ethanol absolute; Edible ethanol; ethanol 200 proof; Etanol; Alcohol disinfectant; Vectraprime



EINECS: 200-578-6
Molecular Weight: 46.07
Molecular Formula: C2H6O
Density: 0.789
Melting Point(℃): -114℃
Boiling Point(℃): 78℃
Flash Point(℃): 12℃
Burning Point(℃): 363
refractive_index: 1.3614
Water Solubility: miscible
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R11;     Details
Safety Description:
 S16;S7; Details
Ethyl Alcohol

Ethyl Alcohol Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

Heartland Supply Company, Inc.   Enquiry for ALCOHOL

Address: p.o. box 250 fayetteville, ar Other products:
Zip: 72702
Telephone: (479) 444-0970
Fax: (479) 521-5022
Web Site: www.heartlandsupply.comsvc/serv02121917

ECMG Inc.   Enquiry for Ethanol

Address: 1314 High Street Paducah, KY 42002 Other products:
Telephone: 1-888-823-3957
Web Site: svc/serv01722145

Alliance Chemical   Enquiry for Ethanol

Address: P.O. Box 2279 Round Rock, Texas Other products:
Telephone: (512) 365-6838
Fax: (512) 365-6833
Web Site: www.alliancechemical.comsvc/serv01722167

PMC Chemicals   Enquiry for ETHANOL

Address: 12 Downham Chase Timperley Altrincham Cheshire WA15 7TJ United Kingdom, Cheshire, Cheshire Other products:
Telephone: +44 (0)161 904 0499
Fax: +44 (0)161 904 7080
Web Site: www.pmcchemicals.comsvc/serv00222210

Ideal Chemical   Enquiry for Ethyl Alcohol

Address: 4025 Air Park Street Memphis Other products:
Zip: 38118
Telephone: (800)232-6776
Fax: (901)366-0864
Web Site: www.idealchemical.comsvc/serv02122371

Somaiya   Enquiry for Ethyl alcohol

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (91-22) 2048272
Fax: (91-22) 2047297
Web Site: www.somaiya.comsvc/serv00222413

Brownandforth   Enquiry for DENATURED ETHANOL

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +44-(0)-1282-839111
Fax: + 44-(0)-1282-420182
Web Site: svc/serv00222466

Yurtimpeks   Enquiry for ETHYL ALCOHOL

Address: Halaskargazi CAD. NO:48/13 Harbiye İstanbul TURKEY Other products:
Telephone: +90 212 240 33 52, 241 00 38
Fax: +90 212 296 86 14
Web Site: www.yurtimpeks.comsvc/serv00522586

Interstate Chemical Company   Enquiry for Ethanol

Address: 6133 Edith Boulevard, NE Albuquerque Other products:
Telephone: (800) 422-4485
Web Site: www.interstatechemical.comsvc/serv02122597

Brenntag Canada   Enquiry for Denatured Alcohol

Address: 60 Titan Road, Toronto, M8Z 2J8, Ontario Other products:
Telephone: (416) 259 8231
Fax: (416)233 7706
Web Site: www.brenntag.casvc/serv00522662
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