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About Glycerine

Powerd by ChemNet


Product Name:



1,2,3-propanetriol; 1,2,3-Trihydroxypropane; D-glycerol; glycyl alcohol; Glycerin mist; glyceritol; Glycerol; L-glycerol; Polyhydric alcohols; Propanetriol; trihydroxypropane; Glycerine; propane-1,1,1-triol



EINECS: 200-289-5
Molecular Weight: 92.0938
Molecular Formula: C3H8O3
Density: 1.303g/cm3
Melting Point(℃): 18℃
Boiling Point(℃): 98.3°C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point(℃): 22.9°C
refractive_index: 1.492
Water Solubility: >500 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
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 S24/25; Details

Glycerin Suppliers

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Amato International, Inc.   Enquiry for GLYCERIN

Address: 407 Lincoln Rd., Suite 12C Miami Beach, FL Other products:
Zip: 33139
Telephone: (305)674-1001
Fax: (305)674-5455
Web Site: www.amatointernational.comsvc/serv0087714

Sedco Chemical, Inc.   Enquiry for GLYCERIN

Address: 50 Old Kings Hwy., N., Ste.101 Darien, CT 06820 Other products:
Telephone: 203)655-0063
Fax: 203)662-0808
Web Site: www.sedcochem.comsvc/serv0067824

Penta Manufacturing Co. / Div. of Penta International Corp.   Enquiry for GLYCERIN

Address: PO Box 1448 Fairfield, NJ 07007-1448 Other products:
Telephone: (973)740-2300
Fax: (973)740-1839
Web Site: www.pentamfg.com/svc/serv0217919

Panreac Quimica   Enquiry for Glycerol

Address: Riera de Sant Cugat, 1 E-08110 Montcada i Reixac Barcelona, Spain Other products:
Telephone: (+34) 935 642 408
Fax: (+34) 937 647 000
Web Site: www.panreac.comsvc/serv0567954

Ingredients International, LLC   Enquiry for GLYCERIN

Address: 5900 Boxford Av.City of Commerce, CA 90040 Other products:
Telephone: (323)838-1040
Fax: (323)725-6164
Web Site: www.ingredientsintl.comsvc/serv0177979

TR International, Inc.   Enquiry for GLYCERIN

Address: 1218 Third Ave, 2100 Seattle Tower Seattle, WA 98101 Other products:
Zip: 98101
Telephone: (206)505-3500
Fax: (206)505-3501
Web Site: www.tritrading.comsvc/serv0098090

Transmacro Inc.   Enquiry for GLYCERIN

Address: 14511 Fallingn Creek, Suite 409 Houston, TX 77014 Other products:
Zip: 77014
Telephone: (713)860-7240
Fax: (713)860-7250
Web Site: www.transmacro.comsvc/serv0098182

Kim Chemicals   Enquiry for Glycerine

Address: Anant Building, Ground Floor, 213-A, Princess Street, Mumbai-2. INDIA. Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-201 8671, 91-22-201 7947
Fax: 91-22-206 1840,
Web Site: svc/serv0028315

Hayman   Enquiry for Glycerine

Address: Hayman Limited., Eastways Park, Witham, Essex CM8 3YE, UK Other products:
Zip: CM8 3YE
Telephone: +44 (0) 1376 535920
Fax: +44 (0)1376 510709
Web Site: www.hayman.co.uksvc/serv0378501

U.S. Chemicals, Inc.   Enquiry for Glycerine

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +1 (203) 966-8777
Fax: +1 (203) 966-3577
Web Site: www.uschemicals.comsvc/serv0608539
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