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strontium tetraborate

About strontium tetraborate

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strontium tetraborate

Product Name:

strontium tetraborate


Strontium tetraborate; strontium; boron; oxygen(-2) anion; strontium borate (3:2)



EINECS: 234-515-9
Molecular Weight: 760.9568
Molecular Formula: B4O12Sr6
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strontium tetraborate

strontium tetraborate Suppliers

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Wenzhou Chemical Material Factory   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: Yanjiang Industry Zone ,Wenzhou,China Other products:

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Zip: 325007\8
Telephone: +86-577-88799961 88795800 88799963 88799960 88799962
Fax: +86-577-88790887
Web Site: www.cnjxchem.comhg/hz14792

Chongqing Huaqi Fine Chemical Co., Ltd.   Enquiry for strontium

Address: 21-5#,NO.8 the 2nd branch Jianxin North Rd., Jiangbei District,Chongqing,China Other products:

Strontium Chloride...

Barium acetate

Strontium hydrogen...

Strontium acetate

Strontium fluoride

Zip: 400020
Telephone: +86-23-67950159
Fax: 86-23-67957036
Web Site: www.huaqifinechem.comhg/sc15613

Beijing Mesochem Technology Co.,Ltd [ Gold Suppliers ]   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: NO.18 Jianguo RD, Chaoyang district, Beijing, China Other products:


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Zip: 100024
Telephone: +86-10-67374028;65405760
Fax: +86-10-65712882
Web Site: www.mesochem.comhg/bj35178

Shepherd Chemical [ Gold Suppliers ]   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: Norwood, Ohio,Manufacturing, Inorganic Compounds, Metal Organics, Sales, Research &Development Other products:

Bismuth Naphthenat...

Calcium Versalate

Chromium Octoate

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Cobalt Naphthenate

Telephone: +1-513-7311110
Fax: +1-513-7311532
Web Site: www.shepchem.comhg/cus7016

DF Goldsmith Chemical & Metal Corp [ Gold Suppliers ]   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: Other products:


Gold Acetate

Gold Ammonium Chlo...

Gold Bromide

Gold Chloride

Telephone: +1 847 869-7800
Fax: +1 847 869-2531
Web Site: www.dfgoldsmith.comhg/cus32264

Euriso-top   Enquiry for STRONTIUM

Address: Parc des Algorithmes, B鈚iment Hom鑢e Route de l'Orme 91194 Saint Aubin cedex FRANCE Other products:
Telephone: 33-1-69-41-95-96
Fax: 33-1-69-41-93-52
Web Site: www.eurisotop.comsvc/serv0247004

Brammer Standard Company, Inc.   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: 14603 Benfer Rd,Houston, TX ,77069-2895 USA Other products:
Zip: 77069-2895
Telephone: 281 440 9396
Fax: 281 440 4432
Web Site: www.brammerstandard.comsvc/serv03810613

STB Isotope GmbH   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: STB Isotope Germany GmbH ,LUNO Gruppe ,Ferdinandstr. 36 Hamburg 20095, Germany Other products:
Telephone: +49 (0)172-543-71-72
Fax: +49 (0)40-548-05-760
Web Site: www.stb-isotope.comsvc/serv02411047

ESPI Corp Inc.   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: ESPI ,1050 Benson Way,Ashland, Oregon 97520 Other products:
Telephone: 541.488.8311
Fax: 541.488.8313
Web Site: svc/serv03811572

Exaxol Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Strontium

Address: Exaxol Chemical Corporation. 14325 60th St. N., Clearwater, FL 33760-2708 Other products:
Telephone: (727) 524-7732
Fax: 727) 532-8221
Web Site: www.exaxol.comsvc/serv03811746
Total 17 Suppliers,Showing1--10 1 2