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sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus

About sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus

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sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus

Product Name:

sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus


sunflower seed oil; Sunflower oil



EINECS: 232-273-9
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sunflower seed oil from helianthus annuus Suppliers

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Alnor Oil Co., Inc.   Enquiry for SUNFLOWER OIL

Address: 70 E. Sunrise Hwy. Valley Stream, NY 11581-1221 Other products:
Telephone: (516)561-6146
Fax: (516)561-6123
Web Site: svc/serv0128226

Pokonobe Industries Inc.   Enquiry for SUNFLOWER OIL

Address: PO Box 1756 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Other products:
Telephone: (310)392-1259
Fax: (310)392-3659
Web Site: www.pokonobe.comsvc/serv01710554

Cargill   Enquiry for Sunflower Oil

Address: Cargill Office Center, P.O. Box 9300, Minneapolis, MN 55440-9300 Other products:
Zip: MN 55440-9300
Telephone: 1-(952) 742-7575
Web Site: www.cargill.com/svc/serv06011306

Oilseeds International, Ltd.   Enquiry for SUNFLOWER OIL

Address: 8 Jackson Street Other products:
Zip: San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: (415)956-7251
Fax: (415)394-9023
Web Site: www.oilseedssf.comsvc/serv02812634

The Fanning Corporation   Enquiry for SUNFLOWER SEED OIL

Address: 2450 West Hubbard Street Chicago, Illinois 60612-1408 USA Other products:
Telephone: 312.563.1234
Fax: 312.563.0087
Web Site: www.fanncorp.comsvc/serv00419066

Expocell AB   Enquiry for Sunflower oil

Address: Gustavsgatan 23 216 11 Limhamn, Sweden Other products:
Telephone: +46 40 21 10 20
Fax: +46 40 21 10 40
Web Site: www.expocell.sesvc/serv00419413

Vivion Incorporated   Enquiry for Sunflower Oil

Address: 3000 E. 46th Street Vernon CA Other products:
Zip: 90058
Telephone: 323-583-6041
Fax: 323-587-7479
Web Site: www.vivioninc.comsvc/serv02121357

New Life Chemical and Equipment, Inc.   Enquiry for SUNFLOWER OIL

Address: 15 North Kings Road, Greenville, SC Other products:
Zip: 29605
Telephone: 864-277-5516
Fax: 864-299-0395
Web Site: www.newlife-chem.comsvc/serv02122700

Mobel Kimya San. Vo Tlo. Ltd.   Enquiry for Sunflower seed oil

Address: Enis Ozturk Mah. Yunus Emre cad No: 40 Dilovasi-Gebze Other products:
Telephone: 90-262-7542323
Fax: 90-262-7542322
Web Site: www.mobelkimya.com.trsvc/serv00824808

Cargill Industrial Oils & Lubricants   Enquiry for Sunflower Oil

Address: P.O. Box 5700, MS 66 Minneapolis, MN 55440-5700 Other products:
Telephone: 612-742-6286; 800-842-3631
Fax: 612-742-67
Web Site: http://http://www.techoils.cargill.comsvc/serv00825237
Total 32 Suppliers,Showing11--20 1 2 3 4