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calcined brucite

About calcined brucite

Powerd by ChemNet

calcined brucite

Product Name:

Magnesium oxide


magnesium oxide light; magnesiumoxideheavy; magnesiumoxidemeshwhitepowder; magnesiumoxidefusedcrystalswhitextl; magnesium oxide 96.0+ % for analysis; akro-mag; animag; anscorp; burnt magnesia; calcined brucite; calcined magnesite; calcinedbrucite; calcinedmagnesite; ci77711; corox; dynamag; dynatherm; elastomag 100; elastomag100; elastomag170; electromagnesia; electromagnesia (magnesium oxide); encapsulated mgo; flamarret; fused magnesium oxide; magnesium oxygen(-2) anion; Magnesia; Magnesium oxide anhydrous



EINECS: 215-171-9
Molecular Weight: 40.3044
Molecular Formula: MgO
Melting Point(℃): 2852℃
Water Solubility: 6.2 mg/L (20℃), reacts
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
calcined brucite

Magnesium oxide Suppliers > United States Magnesium oxide Suppliers

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Chemalloy Company Inc.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: P.O. Box 350 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-0350 Other products:
Telephone: 610-527-3700
Fax: 610-527-3878
Web Site: www.chemalloy.comsvc/serv00725173

MidPoint Chemicals Company   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Entry Drive Bensenville, IL.60106 USA Other products:
Telephone: 630 758 0400
Fax: 630 758 1773
Web Site: svc/serv01026725

Brenntag Latin America   Enquiry for MAGNESIUM OXIDE

Address: 5300 Memorial Drive, 11th Floor Houston, TX 77007 Other products:
Telephone: 713-880-5400
Fax: 713-880-2286
Web Site: www.brenntagla.comsvc/serv00927004

Cascade Columbia Distribution   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: 6900 Fox Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 Other products:
Telephone: (206) 282-6334
Fax: (206) 282-6330
Web Site: www.cascadecolumbia.comsvc/serv00927152

Particle Dynamics, Inc.   Enquiry for magnesium oxide

Address: 2601 South Hanley Rd.St. Louis, MO Other products:
Zip: 63144
Telephone: (314) 968-2376
Fax: (314) 968-5208
Web Site: www.particledynamics.comsvc/serv01027199

Univar USA Inc.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +1 425 638 4911
Fax: +1 425 638 4953
Web Site: www.univarusa.comsvc/serv01027246

Pacific Coast Chemicals Co.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Seattle Area 530 Andover Park West Tukwilla, Washington Other products:
Zip: 98188
Telephone: (510) 549-3535
Web Site: www.pcchem.comsvc/serv01027276

Ohio Chemical Services, Inc.   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: 1066 Kinnear Road, Columbus OH 43212 Other products:
Telephone: 1-888-876-2498
Fax: (614) 486-5580
Web Site: www.ohiochemical.comsvc/serv00927297

Valley Solvents & Chemicals   Enquiry for Magnesium Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (956) 423-2791
Fax: (956) 423-9206
Web Site: www.valleysolvents.comsvc/serv00927371

The National Lime Association   Enquiry for Magnesia

Address: 200 North Glebe Road Suite 800 Arlington, Virginia 22203 Other products:
Telephone: 703-243-5463
Fax: 703-243-5489
Web Site: www.lime.orgsvc/serv00927915
Total 90 Suppliers,Showing51--60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9