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DL-Lactic acid

About DL-Lactic acid

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DL-Lactic acid

Product Name:

DL-Lactic acid


2-Hydroxypropanoic acid; 2-Hydroxypropionic acid; Lactic acid; Lactic acid, dl-; Propanoic acid, 2-hydroxy-; (RS)-2-Hydroxypropionsaeure; 1-Hydroxyethanecarboxylic acid; AI3-03130; Acidum lacticum; BRN 5238667; CCRIS 2951; Lactovagan; Tonsillosan; alpha-Hydroxypropionic acid; 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanoic acid; (2S)-2-hydroxypropanoate; (2R)-2-hydroxypropanoate



EINECS: 200-018-0;209-954-4
Molecular Weight: 90.0705
Molecular Formula: C3H6O3
Melting Point(℃): 18℃
Boiling Point(℃): 227.6°C at 760 mmHg
Flash Point(℃): 109.9°C
Water Solubility: SOLUBLE
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R34;R38;R41;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26;S36/37/39;S45; Details
DL-Lactic acid

DL-Lactic acid Suppliers > United States DL-Lactic acid Suppliers

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PURAC America, Inc   Enquiry for LACTIC ACID

Address: 111 Barclay Blvd., Suite 100 Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Other products:
Telephone: +1(847)634-6330
Fax: +1(847)634-1992
Web Site: www.purac.com/svc/serv0127692

Penta Manufacturing Co. / Div. of Penta International Corp.   Enquiry for LACTIC ACID

Address: PO Box 1448 Fairfield, NJ 07007-1448 Other products:
Telephone: (973)740-2300
Fax: (973)740-1839
Web Site: www.pentamfg.com/svc/serv0217919

ADM Food Additives   Enquiry for Lactic Acid

Address: 4666 Faries Parkway Decatur, IL 62526 Other products:
Telephone: 217-362-3949
Fax: 217-451-3941
Web Site: svc/serv01710274

OptiPure/Chemco   Enquiry for LACTIC ACID

Address: 6984 Bandini Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90040 Other products:
Telephone: (323)721-8300
Fax: (323)721-9600
Web Site: www.optipure.comsvc/serv01710567

Buckton Scott Nutrition Inc.   Enquiry for Lactic Acid

Address: 24 STEWART PLACE, FAIRFIELD 07004, NEW JERSEY, USA Other products:
Telephone: (973) 882 0322
Fax: (973) 882 0323
Web Site: www.buckton.comsvc/serv03810682

Tilley Chemical Co., Inc.   Enquiry for LACTIC ACID

Address: 501 Chesapeake Pk. Plaza Baltimore, MD 21220 Other products:
Telephone: (410)574-4500
Fax: (410)391-6665
Web Site: www.tilleychem.comsvc/serv01710783

V.L. Clark Chemical Co.   Enquiry for Lactic Acid

Address: P.O.Box 87, 60 Hiline Drive, Union, MO 63084 Other products:
Zip: 63084
Telephone: 636-583-4304
Fax: 636-583-5218
Web Site: www.vlclark.comsvc/serv00510794

Exaxol Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Lactic Acid

Address: Exaxol Chemical Corporation. 14325 60th St. N., Clearwater, FL 33760-2708 Other products:
Telephone: (727) 524-7732
Fax: 727) 532-8221
Web Site: www.exaxol.comsvc/serv03811746

Brown Chemical Co. Inc.   Enquiry for LACTIC ACID

Address: 302 West Oakland Av., PO Box 440 Other products:
Zip: Oakland, NJ 07436
Telephone: (201)337-0900
Fax: (201)337-9026
Web Site: www.brownchem.comsvc/serv02813029

Humco Holding Group   Enquiry for LACTIC ACID

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 1-800-662-3435
Web Site: www.humco.comsvc/serv06013202
Total 79 Suppliers,Showing31--40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8