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About Ethanol

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Product Name:

Ethyl Alcohol


Ethanol; Alcohol; Distilled spirits; Ethanol, undenatured; Ethyl alcohol, undenatured; 1-Hydroxyethane; Absolute ethanol; Aethanol; Aethylalkohol; Alcohol (ethyl alcohol); Alcohol dehydrated; Alcohol, anhydrous; Alcohol, diluted; Alcohol, ethyl; Alcohols; Alcool ethylique; Alcool etilico; Algrain; Alkohol; Alkoholu etylowego; Anhydrol; CCRIS 945; Caswell No. 430; Cologne Spirit; Dehydrated alcohol; Denatured alcohol; Denatured ethanol; EtOH; Etanolo; Ethanol solution; Ethyl alcohol anhydrous; Ethyl hydrate; Ethyl hydroxide; Ethylalcohol; Etylowy alkohol; FEMA No. 2419; FEMA Number 2419; Fermentation alcohol; Grain alcohol; HSDB 82; Hydroxyethane; Methylcarbinol; Molasses alcohol; NCI-C03134; NSC 85228; Potato alcohol; SD Alchol 23-hydrogen; Spirits of wine; Tecsol; Tecsol C; UNII-3K9958V90M; ethanol (fermentation method); anhydrous ethanol; anhydrous alcohol; anhydrous ethanol (pharmaceutical); absolute alcohol; 95% ethanol; alcohol 95%; edible alcohol; Ethanol absolute; Edible ethanol; ethanol 200 proof; Etanol; Alcohol disinfectant; Vectraprime



EINECS: 200-578-6
Molecular Weight: 46.07
Molecular Formula: C2H6O
Density: 0.789
Melting Point(℃): -114℃
Boiling Point(℃): 78℃
Flash Point(℃): 12℃
Burning Point(℃): 363
refractive_index: 1.3614
Water Solubility: miscible
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R11;     Details
Safety Description:
 S16;S7; Details

Ethyl Alcohol Suppliers > United States Ethyl Alcohol Suppliers

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Sedco Chemical, Inc.   Enquiry for ALCOHOLS

Address: 50 Old Kings Hwy., N., Ste.101 Darien, CT 06820 Other products:
Telephone: 203)655-0063
Fax: 203)662-0808
Web Site: www.sedcochem.comsvc/serv0067824

Pharmco Products Inc.   Enquiry for ALCOHOL

Address: 58 Vale Rd. Brookfield, CT 06804 Other products:
Telephone: (203)740-3471 x 134
Fax: (203)740-3481
Web Site: svc/serv0218033

U.S. Chemicals, Inc.   Enquiry for Ethyl Alcohol

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +1 (203) 966-8777
Fax: +1 (203) 966-3577
Web Site: www.uschemicals.comsvc/serv0608539

Tilley Chemical Co., Inc.   Enquiry for ETHYL ALCOHOL

Address: 501 Chesapeake Pk. Plaza Baltimore, MD 21220 Other products:
Telephone: (410)574-4500
Fax: (410)391-6665
Web Site: www.tilleychem.comsvc/serv01710783

Polysciences Inc.   Enquiry for Ethyl alcohol

Address: Polysciences, Inc. 400 Valley Road, Warrington, PA 18976 Other products:
Telephone: (800)523-2575 /(215)343-6484
Fax: (800)343-3291/(215)343-0214
Web Site: www.polysciences.comsvc/serv01711044

TimTec Corporation   Enquiry for Alcohol

Address: 100 Interchange Boulevard,Newark, DE19711, USA Other products:
Telephone: 1-302-292-8500
Fax: 1-302-292-8520
Web Site: www.timtec.netsvc/serv02411056

Eaton Chemical, Inc.   Enquiry for Ethanol

Address: 4124 Riverside Street, Riverside, MO 64150 Other products:
Telephone: 816-741-7985
Fax: 816-741-0405
Web Site: svc/serv03811138

BP Petrochemicals   Enquiry for Ethanol

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +1 907 561 5111
Web Site: svc/serv06011202

Exaxol Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for Ethanol

Address: Exaxol Chemical Corporation. 14325 60th St. N., Clearwater, FL 33760-2708 Other products:
Telephone: (727) 524-7732
Fax: 727) 532-8221
Web Site: www.exaxol.comsvc/serv03811746

CRI Catalyst Company   Enquiry for Alcohols

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +1 281-874-2490
Fax: +1 281-874-2499
Web Site: svc/serv06011897
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