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Sodium lauryl sulfate

About Sodium lauryl sulfate

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Sodium lauryl sulfate

Product Name:

Sodium dodecyl sulfate


Sodium lauryl sulfate; p and g emulsifier 104; akyposal sds; aquarex me; aquarex methyl; avirol 101; avirol 118; berol 452; carsonol sls; carsonol sls paste b; carsonol sls special; conco sulfate wa; conco sulfate wa-1200; conco sulfate wa-1245; conco sulfate wag; conco sulfate wan; conco sulfate was; conco sulfate wn; cycloryl 21; cycloryl 31; cycloryl 580; cycloryl 585n; dehag sulfate gl emulsion; detergent 66; Dreft; dupanal; duponal waqe; duponol; duponol c; duponol me; duponol methyl; duponol qx; duponol wa; duponol waq; duponol waqa; duponol waqm; emal 10; Emal o; emersal 6400; empicol lpz; empicol ls 30; empicol lx 28; emulsifier no. 104; finasol osr (sub 2); gardinol; hexamol sls; Irium; lanette wax-s; maprofix 563; maprofix lk; maprofix neu; maprofix wac; maprofix wac-la; melanol cl; melanol cl 30; monogen y 100; montopol la paste; neutrazyme; nikkol sls; odoripon al 95; orvus wa paste; perlandrol l; product no. 161; product no. 75; quolac ex-ub; rewopol nls 30; richonol a; richonol af; richonol c; SDS; sinnopon ls 100; sinnopon ls 95; sintapon l; sipex op; sipex sb; sipex sd; sipex sp; sipex ub; sipon ls; sipon ls 100; sipon lsb; sipon pd; sipon wd; SLS; Sodium dodecanesulfate; dodecyl alcohol, hydrogen sulfate, sodium salt; Sodium Laurylsulfate; Lauryl Sodium Sulfate; Dodecyl sodium sulfate; sodium monolauryl sulfate; monododecyl sodium sulfate; n-dodecyl sulfate sodium; Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester sodium salt; solsol needles; standapol 112; steinapol nls 90; stepanol me; sterling wa paste; sulfetal l 95; sulfopon wa 1; sulfotex wa; swascol 3l; syntapon; tarapon k 12; texapon DL; trepenol wa; tvm 474; ultra sulfate sl-1; WAQE; ; sulfuric acid, didodecyl ester, sodium salt (1:1); K12; Sodium Laurylsulfate; Sulfuric acid monododecyl ester sodium salt; sulfuric acid, dodecyl ester, sodium salt; Sulfuric acid, dodecyl ester, sodium salt (1:1); Sulfuric acid, monododecyl ester, sodium salt; Natriumalkyl(C8-C20)-sulfate



EINECS: 205-788-1
Molecular Weight: 288.3778
Molecular Formula: C12H25NaSO4
Melting Point(℃): 206℃
Water Solubility: ca. 150 g/L (20℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R11;R22;R36/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26;S36/37/39; Details
Sodium lauryl sulfate

Sodium dodecyl sulfate Suppliers > United States Sodium dodecyl sulfate Suppliers

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OILCHEM, INC.   Enquiry for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Address: 50 Industrial Circle Lincoln, Rhode Island 02865 USA Other products:
Telephone: 401-722-2410
Fax: 401-727-0752
Web Site: www.oilchem.comsvc/serv00927300

Valley Solvents & Chemicals   Enquiry for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (956) 423-2791
Fax: (956) 423-9206
Web Site: www.valleysolvents.comsvc/serv00927371

AerBio Ltd.   Enquiry for Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate

Address: 3935 West Roll Avenue Bloomington IN 47403 Other products:
Telephone: 812.334.9996
Fax: 812.334.1960
Web Site: svc/serv00927438

800Chemicals.com   Enquiry for SODIUM LAURYL SULFATE

Address: 2345 SW 34th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 Other products:
Telephone: (954) 327-0900; 1-888-275-5059
Fax: (954) 327-0903
Web Site: www.800chemicals.comsvc/serv00927713

QualChem International Corp.   Enquiry for Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Address: Other products:
Telephone: + 1 630 408 9980
Fax: + 1 630 922 3172
Web Site: www.qualchemintl.comsvc/serv00929199

ACS Chemical   Enquiry for Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Address: 1401 Beaver Dam rd Point Pleasant, NJ 08742, , Other products:

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Telephone: 732-714-0400
Fax: 732-714-7473
Web Site: acschemical.comsvc38678

ATTS Chemicals   Enquiry for Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Address: 12000 Lincoln Drive West, Suite #112, Marlton, New Jersey 08053, , Other products:



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Telephone: 856 334 1444
Web Site: www.attschemicals.comsvc38914

Acme-Hardesty   Enquiry for Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Address: 450 Sentry Parkway Blue Bell, PA 19422, , Other products:


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Telephone: 215-591-3610
Fax: 215-591-3620
Web Site: www.acme-hardesty.comsvc39262

Bedford Specialty Sales, Inc.,   Enquiry for Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Address: Two Shaker Road., Suite D206 / Shirley, MA 01464, , Other products:

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Telephone: (978)425-6214
Fax: (978) 425-6215
Web Site: www.bedfordsales.comsvc39892

Costec, Inc.   Enquiry for Sodium dodecyl sulfate

Address: 800 N. Oakwood Rd., Lake Zurich, IL, 60047-1522, USA, Lake Zurich, IL Other products:

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Telephone: 847-540-8931; 800-450-8111
Web Site: www.costec.comsvc41202
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