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zine oxide

About zine oxide

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zine oxide

Product Name:

Zinc oxide


C.I. 77947; C.I. Pigment White 4; zincoxideheavy; flowers of zinc; zinc white; active zinc oxide; zinkoxyd aktiv; zinci oxidum; activox; activox b; actox14; zine oxide; zine white; zincoxide; actox16; actox216; ai3-00277; akro-zincbar85; akro-zincbar90; amalox; azo22; azo-33; azo-55; azo-55tt; azo-66; azo-66tt; ZNO; oxozinc; zinc oxygen(-2) anion



EINECS: 215-222-5
Molecular Weight: 81.4084
Molecular Formula: ZnO
Melting Point(℃): 1975℃
Water Solubility: 1.6 mg/L (29℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S60;S61; Details
zine oxide

Zinc oxide Suppliers

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Monterey Chemical Co./Monterey Ag Resources   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: PO Box 35000 Other products:
Zip: Fresno, CA 93745-5000
Telephone: (559)499-2100
Fax: (559)499-1015
Web Site: svc/serv02812621

MV Laboratories, Inc.   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: 1 Eighth Street, Suite 15Frenchtown, NJ 08825 Other products:
Telephone: (908) 996-6633
Fax: 908-996-6697
Web Site: www.mvlaboratories.comsvc/serv03812794

A.M.P.E.R.E.   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 5-7, rue de Bretagne ZAI des B閠hunes F-95310 Saint Ouen l扐um鬾e FRANCE Other products:
Telephone: +33 (0)1 34 32 38 60
Fax: +33 (0)1 34 64 34 41
Web Site: www.ampere.comsvc/serv03613183

AAE Chemie nv   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: Verbindingsdok-Oostkaai13,2000antwerp ,Belgium Other products:
Telephone: 32-3-568.11.66
Fax: 32-3-568.05.97
Web Site: www.aaechemie.comsvc/serv03613192

Orica Chemicals   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Level 10,1 Nicholson Street,Melbourne Victoria 3000Australia Other products:
Telephone: +61 3 9665 7111
Fax: +61 3 9665 7937
Web Site: www.orica.com.ausvc/serv03813201

Service Chemical Inc.   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: 2651 Penn Ave. Hatfield, PA Other products:
Zip: 19440
Telephone: 888-895-6920
Fax: 215-362-2578
Web Site: www.chemos-group.comsvc/serv04113314

AneChem Inc.   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 1-800-683-6965
Fax: 1-678-289-4092
Web Site: www.anechem.comsvc/serv02417255

Alsiano A/S   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: Blokken 21,DK-3460 Birker鴇,Denmark Other products:
Telephone: +45 45 82 82 22
Fax: +45 45 82 72 22
Web Site: www.alsiano.dksvc/serv00517736

Chemi-Culture   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: 22, Ramesh Mitra Road,Ground Floor, Bhawanipur,Calcutta-700 025 Other products:
Telephone: 91-2474-7913
Web Site: www.chemicultureindia.comsvc/serv00218052

Courtin & Warner, Ltd   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +44 0 1273 480611
Fax: +44 0 1273 472249
Web Site: www.c-and-w.co.uksvc/serv00218420
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