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zine oxide

Product Name:

Zinc oxide


C.I. 77947; C.I. Pigment White 4; zincoxideheavy; flowers of zinc; zinc white; active zinc oxide; zinkoxyd aktiv; zinci oxidum; activox; activox b; actox14; zine oxide; zine white; zincoxide; actox16; actox216; ai3-00277; akro-zincbar85; akro-zincbar90; amalox; azo22; azo-33; azo-55; azo-55tt; azo-66; azo-66tt; ZNO; oxozinc; zinc oxygen(-2) anion



EINECS: 215-222-5
Molecular Weight: 81.4084
Molecular Formula: ZnO
Melting Point(℃): 1975℃
Water Solubility: 1.6 mg/L (29℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S60;S61; Details
zine oxide

Zinc oxide Suppliers

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MONALISA CHEMICALS   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 302, Radha Mukund, Bhausaheb Parab Road, Kandarpada, Dahisar (W), Mumbai 400 068, INDIA. Other products:
Zip: 400 068
Telephone: +91 22 2891 1187
Fax: 91 22 2892 7861
Web Site: www.monalisachemicals.com/svc/serv02723473

Eurocontal SA   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Lluis Companys 14,1 43005 Tarragona Spain Other products:
Telephone: +34 977 250657 +34 977 250658
Fax: +34 977 250659
Web Site: www.eurocontal.comsvc/serv00423497

Azalea Color Company   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: 605 Selig Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30336 Other products:
Telephone: (800)245-2877
Fax: (800)722-8223
Web Site: www.azaleacolor.comsvc/serv00423500

INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS, INC.   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (804)275-9292
Web Site: www.industrialchemicals.comsvc/serv00423552

Eastern Chemical Corporation   Enquiry for ZINC-OXIDE

Address: 99, Bhandari Street, 1st Floor, Chakla, Mumbai Other products:
Zip: 400003
Telephone: 23445324 / 28058697 / 56312156
Fax: 022 - 56343966
Web Site: www.easternchemcorp.comsvc/serv02123866

Pak Chemical Co.   Enquiry for zinc oxide

Address: industrial region of serah mobarakeh ,third ghase ,the end of seventh AVE. Other products:
Telephone: 0335-5373059;0912-1099682
Fax: 0311-6682152
Web Site: www.pakchemical.comsvc/serv02724366

D.B.BECKER CO .INC.   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 54 Old Highway 22Suite 104 Clinton NJ Other products:
Zip: 08809
Telephone: (908) 730 - 6010
Fax: (908) 730 - 9118
Web Site: www.dbbecker.comsvc/serv02124387

Aalay Overseas Corporation   Enquiry for ZINC OXIDE

Address: 104, Vardhaman Market, Sector-17, Vashi, , New Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. , Maharashtra ( India ) Other products:
Zip: 400705
Telephone: 91-22-55912775 / 56111651
Fax: 91-22-55912776
Web Site: www.aalay.comsvc/serv02724525


Address: 16-B, Lorong Bukit Kuda 1 , Klang , Selangor, Malaysia. ( Malaysia ) Other products:
Zip: 41300
Telephone: 60-3-3344 6270
Fax: 60-3-3344 6320
Web Site: www.obetechpacific.comsvc/serv02724540

Tripoot India Private Limited   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: A-88, Lajpat Nagar-IInd Other products:
Telephone: +(91)-(11)-29841196 / 29831324
Fax: +(91)-(11)-29831324
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/tripootsvc/serv00424593
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