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Ferric oxide

About Ferric oxide

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Ferric oxide

Product Name:

Iron(III) oxide


C.I. 77491; C.I. Pigment Red 101; C.I. Pigment Red 101 and 102; C.I. Pigment Red 102; Ferric oxide; Iron (III) Oxide Anhydrous; diiron trioxide; E 172; Iron (III) oxide - calcined; Ironoxide anhydrous; Ironoxideredbrownpowder; Iron oxide - precipitated; Ferric oxide,medicinal; Ferric oxide for ferrite; Iron (III) oxide, red; Hematite; IRON OXIDE RED; C.I.P. R.101; Iron (III) oxide; diferric oxygen(-2) anion; oxo-(oxoferriooxy)iron; Iron Oxide; Iron(III)oxide; Transparent iron oxide red



EINECS: 215-168-2;215-275-4;215-570-8
Molecular Weight: 159.6882
Molecular Formula: Fe2O3
Melting Point(℃): 1538℃
Water Solubility: INSOLUBLE
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R36/37/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26; Details
Ferric oxide

Iron(III) oxide Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

Sharda Enterprises , Piyu Incorporation - India   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Sharda Enterprises Piyu" Bglw , Plot no.265-285,RSC-33 , Gorai-II Other products:
Zip: 400 091
Telephone: 91-22-8694332
Fax: 91-22-8694252
Web Site: www.shardapiyu.comsvc/serv02120196

DONGWON TRADING CORP   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Rm 1602 Kumho Palace Bldg.,327-2 Changsin-dong Chongro-ku, Seoul Korea (South) Other products:
Telephone: 82-2-3673-3295 / 82-11-292-0293
Fax: 82-31-399-3297 / 82-2-741-0766
Web Site: svc/serv01720279

MCV Enterprises & Associates   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: 12232 SW 132 Court Other products:
Telephone: 305-969-3001
Fax: 305-969-0801
Web Site: www.MCVEnterprises.comsvc/serv02120422

red kimiya trading co   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: apadana building- north bahonar blvd Other products:
Telephone: 0098-711-8234819
Fax: 0098-711-8239059
Web Site: svc/serv02120661

Rridhi Sidhi Entp   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: 91 Sector 28A, HUDA Industrial Estate Other products:
Telephone: 91 -1662-220649
Fax: 91-1662-220946
Web Site: svc/serv02120955

UNICORN (Taiwan) Chemical Co., Ltd.   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: 2F,-7,No.225,Sec.3,Bade Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan, R.O.C. Other products:
Telephone: 886-2-25703389
Fax: 886-2-25703380
Web Site: www.unicorn-chemical.comsvc/serv02121234

AVF Industries Inc.   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: 5345 Wild Sonnet Path Norcross, GA 30092-2188 USA Other products:
Telephone: 770.368.1088
Fax: 770.368.0288
Web Site: www.vlclark.comsvc/serv00421255

Triple-S Chemicals   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: 3464 Union Pacific Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90023 Other products:
Zip: 90023
Telephone: (800) 862-5958
Fax: (323) 261-5567
Web Site: www.ssschemical.comsvc/serv02121338

Indian Muds and Chemicals   Enquiry for Hematite

Address: 71, Mittal Tower, 'B' Wing, 7th Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Other products:
Zip: 400 021
Telephone: +(91)-(22)-22830679/22023384/22023385
Fax: +(91)-(22)-22044659
Web Site: www.indiamart.com/indian-muds-chemicalssvc/serv00521603

Aubin Ltd   Enquiry for IRON OXIDE

Address: Other products:
Telephone: +44 (0)1358 724361
Fax: +44 (0)1358 723996
Web Site: www.aubin.co.uksvc/serv00221784
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