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Ferric oxide

About Ferric oxide

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Ferric oxide

Product Name:

Iron(III) oxide


C.I. 77491; C.I. Pigment Red 101; C.I. Pigment Red 101 and 102; C.I. Pigment Red 102; Ferric oxide; Iron (III) Oxide Anhydrous; diiron trioxide; E 172; Iron (III) oxide - calcined; Ironoxide anhydrous; Ironoxideredbrownpowder; Iron oxide - precipitated; Ferric oxide,medicinal; Ferric oxide for ferrite; Iron (III) oxide, red; Hematite; IRON OXIDE RED; C.I.P. R.101; Iron (III) oxide; diferric oxygen(-2) anion; oxo-(oxoferriooxy)iron; Iron Oxide; Iron(III)oxide; Transparent iron oxide red



EINECS: 215-168-2;215-275-4;215-570-8
Molecular Weight: 159.6882
Molecular Formula: Fe2O3
Melting Point(℃): 1538℃
Water Solubility: INSOLUBLE
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R36/37/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26; Details
Ferric oxide

Iron(III) oxide Suppliers

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Kings International   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 91-22-23725124
Fax: 91-22-23736285
Web Site: www.kingsintl.comsvc/serv01131072

Chem-india.com   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 91-11-30123444
Fax: 91-11-23285466
Web Site: www.chem-india.comsvc/serv01131203

ShanXi XinGuangYuan Chemical Co.Ltd   Enquiry for Iron(III)oxide

Address: MeiYuan New District.XueFU,Shanxi,China Other products:

Titanium Dioxide

Formic acid

Acetic acid

Sodium Tripolyphos...

Chrome green

Zip: 030006
Telephone: +86-351-5245115
Fax: +86-351-4117967
Web Site: www.chemxgy.comsvc38014

Alichem P. & C. S.r.l.   Enquiry for Ferric oxide

Address: Via Ticino, 30 Monza Monza e Brianza Greater Milan Area Italy, Monza, Other products:

Ferric oxide

Telephone: +39 039.734056
Fax: +39 039.734527
Web Site: www.alichempec.comsvc38766

Aman Enterprises   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: No. 901, G. D. I. T. L. Tower - B - 08, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura Delhi - 110 034, India, , Other products:

Turpentine oil

Titanium oxide

Iron oxide

Lemon Oil Terpenel...

Orange Oil

Telephone: +(91)-(11)-27357516/ 27357515
Fax: +(91)-(11)-45629959
Web Site: +(91)-(11)-45629959svc39087

British Rema Processing Ltd   Enquiry for Ferric oxide

Address: Image Works Foxwood Close Chesterfield Derbyshire S41 9RN United Kingdom, , Other products:

Ferric oxide


Sodium fluoroalumi...


Calcium fluoride

Telephone: + 44 (0)1246 269955
Fax: + 44 (0)1246 269944
Web Site: www.britishrema.comsvc39878

Balkan India Exports   Enquiry for Hematite

Address: No.63, 12th Street, Ashtalakshmi Nagar, Alapakkam, Chennai - 600106, India, Chennai, Other products:



Telephone: +91 44 42805770
Web Site: www.balkanindiaexports.comsvc39918

BEST DYE-CHEM   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: 140, DSIDC Indl. Sheds, Okhla Indl. Area, Phase - 1,New Delhi - 110020 INDIA, , Other products:

Iron oxide

Carbon Black

Telephone: +91-11- 4921 2222
Fax: +91-11-4921 2233
Web Site: www.colourindia.comsvc39965

Bombay Mineral   Enquiry for Hematite

Address: 138 Nagdevi St. Bombay 400003 India, , Other products:

Silica hydrate

Manganese dioxide

Calcium hydroxide



Telephone: 9122 2342 2392
Fax: 9122 2343 8423
Web Site: www.bombaymineral.comsvc39990

CHEM - CARB (INDIA)   Enquiry for Ferric oxide

Address: 303, Farry Apartment, Marve Road, Opp. HDFC Bank, Malad (W) Mumbai - 400 064, Maharashtra (INDIA), , Other products:

Calcium carbonate

Calcium hydroxide

Titanium dioxide

Silica gel, pptd.,...

Ferric oxide

Telephone: +(91)-(22)-28081294 / 28646455
Fax: +(91)-(22)-28633548
Web Site: www.chemcarbindia.comsvc40566
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