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Ferric oxide

About Ferric oxide

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Ferric oxide

Product Name:

Iron(III) oxide


C.I. 77491; C.I. Pigment Red 101; C.I. Pigment Red 101 and 102; C.I. Pigment Red 102; Ferric oxide; Iron (III) Oxide Anhydrous; diiron trioxide; E 172; Iron (III) oxide - calcined; Ironoxide anhydrous; Ironoxideredbrownpowder; Iron oxide - precipitated; Ferric oxide,medicinal; Ferric oxide for ferrite; Iron (III) oxide, red; Hematite; IRON OXIDE RED; C.I.P. R.101; Iron (III) oxide; diferric oxygen(-2) anion; oxo-(oxoferriooxy)iron; Iron Oxide; Iron(III)oxide; Transparent iron oxide red



EINECS: 215-168-2;215-275-4;215-570-8
Molecular Weight: 159.6882
Molecular Formula: Fe2O3
Melting Point(℃): 1538℃
Water Solubility: INSOLUBLE
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R36/37/38;     Details
Safety Description:
 S26; Details
Ferric oxide

Iron(III) oxide Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

Euram Chemicals Ltd   Enquiry for Iron oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: (+44) (0)1628 472 848
Fax: (+44) (0)1628 890 095
Web Site: www.euramchemicals.co.uksvc/serv00221821

Arpadis n.v.   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 32 3 2069370
Fax: 32 3 2337207
Web Site: svc/serv02722264

Interstate Chemical Company   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: 6133 Edith Boulevard, NE Albuquerque Other products:
Telephone: (800) 422-4485
Web Site: www.interstatechemical.comsvc/serv02122597

Polychimie SA   Enquiry for iron oxide

Address: 01 BP 3907 Abidjan 01 C魌e d'Ivoire-15 rue des carrossiers Other products:
Telephone: (225) 21-35-56-67
Fax: (225) 21-35-13-85
Web Site: www.polychimie.comsvc/serv02122686

JLM Chemicals   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: 1 Wealdwood Gardens Hatch End, Middlesex, HA5 4DQ,United Kingdom Other products:
Telephone: 020 8421 0676;+44 20 8421 0676
Fax: 020 8428 0983;+44 20 8428 0983
Web Site: www.jlmchemicals.comsvc/serv00423064

Cemsac Corporation   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: 212 Clarkson Executive Park Ellisville, MO 63011 Other products:
Telephone: 636.391.2600
Fax: 636.391.7180
Web Site: www.cemsac.comsvc/serv00423630

Chrystal, Charles B., Co., Inc.   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: 30 Vesey Street, New York, NY Other products:
Telephone: 212-227-2151
Fax: 212-233-7916
Web Site: www.cbchrystal.comsvc/serv00725156

Pacific Century Enterprise, Inc.   Enquiry for Iron Oxide Red

Address: P.O. Box 221016 Chantilly, Virginia Other products:
Telephone: 703-803-3064
Fax: 703-803-3443
Web Site: www.pacific-century.netsvc/serv00725168

Chemalloy Company Inc.   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: P.O. Box 350 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-0350 Other products:
Telephone: 610-527-3700
Fax: 610-527-3878
Web Site: www.chemalloy.comsvc/serv00725173

Sarcol   Enquiry for Iron Oxide

Address: Rua do Tronco, 375 (Via Norte)Apartado 1055 4466-901S. Mamede de Infesta Porto - Portugal Other products:
Telephone: +351-22 905 08 00
Fax: ++351-22 905 08 01
Web Site: www.sarcol. comsvc/serv00925258
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